- Anatoly Kolesov 科列索夫
- Arnold Valery V.Kozlov Anatoly I. 作者: (俄罗斯)Vladimir I.
- Anatoly brought mushroom soup (for which he is famous). 阿那托利带来了蘑菇汤(这可是他的拿手菜)。
- Mr Kolesov said he could not take part in such a trial, because a small lie leads to a bigger one. 让他感到气恼的是自己被定位成傻瓜和懦夫的形象,科尔索夫宣称自己无法参加这样一个审判,因为这个小小的弄虚作假必将引发一个弥天大谎。
- After a few days of tense silence, the court reopened the case to the public.Mr Kolesov was dismissed as a juror. 让人紧绷的沉寂持续了几天,然后法庭重又向公众开放,不过科尔索夫从陪审团中消失了。
- They met 17 years ago when both worked for the mayor of St.Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak. 两人17年前在他们为圣彼得堡市长索布恰克工作时就开始结识。
- Mr Kolesov was at home when he heard on the radio that he and 19 other jurors had asked the judge to conduct the trial behind closed doors. 科尔索夫是从家里的广播里才知道自己和另外的19个陪审员向法官提出封闭审判申请的。
- Meanwhile, we are successfully negotiating with Zenit St Petersburg for midfielder Anatoli Tymoschuk". 与此同时,与圣彼得堡泽尼特中场季莫什楚克的转会谈判也取得成功。
- Vladimir and Anatoly, both childhood friends of Nikolai's, have from the start helped us with our work in Russia. 弗拉基米尔和阿那托利都是尼古拉儿时的朋友,在俄罗斯他们都从开始就帮助我们干活。
- But a few years later(1975) he forfeited the title to another Soviet, Anatoly Karpov, when he refused to defend it. 1975年,他因拒绝接受世界冠军候选人卡尔波夫的挑战而被国际棋联宣布废黜王位。
- The deputy head of Russia's General Staff, General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, says the Black Sea has become a bit crowded. 俄罗斯副总参谋长诺戈维琴说,黑海海域因此显得很拥挤。
- But in today's Russia, the courage of Evgeny Kolesov, a middle-aged roofer who was picked as a juror in the trial, has become the best tribute to her life. 用她的标准来衡量,科尔索夫的所作所为并不出格。
- Ministry of Defense spokesman General Anatoly Nogovitsyn said the conditions for work to begin are now in place. 俄罗斯国防部发言人诺戈维岑将军说,各项工作已经准备就绪。
- Russian General Anatoly Nogovitsyn Saturday said Russian peacekeepers will never leave South Ossetia and Abkhazia. 俄罗斯的阿纳托利.;诺格威茨欣将军周六说,俄罗斯维和部队永远也不会离开南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹。
- Anatoly Orlov: Is this how you want to be remembered? Yuri Orlov: I don't want to be remembered at all. That means I'm dead. 阿纳托利·奥洛夫:你就是这样希望自己被别人牢记吗?尤瑞·奥洛夫:根本没想过,那意味着我死了。
- Russian General Anatoly Nogovitsyn said his country's troops have begun withdrawing to the Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia. 一位俄将军称,俄军已经从开始从格鲁吉亚南奥塞梯撤军。
- On March 28, 2003, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held a phone conversation with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Anatoly Maximovich Zlenko by request. 2003年3月25日下午,外交部长李肇星应约与保加利亚外长帕西通电话。帕西说,保中两国之间一直保持着良好的双边关系。
- If someday there should come about the genuine relaxation of tensions and dangers which our period demands, Anatoly Dobrynin will have made a central contribution to it. 如果有朝一日我们时代所要求的真正的紧张和危险的缓和到来的话,阿纳托利?多勃雷宁将是有一份主要贡献的。
- "We are asking the banks' security service to monitor the behavior of customers inside their branches," central bank spokesman Anatoly Drozdov told Reuters. “要是有人同其它顾客大声喧哗关于银行是否也处困境,或游说他人不要存钱。银行可以通知警方,对此顾客进行拘留和身份盘查。”
- Anatoly Ivanov Photography - General illustration, portrait, conceptual reportage, fashion, fine-art, and digital retouching. Russian digital photographer working in Paris. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。