- An undeserved catastrophe 无亡之灾
- The 26-year-old virtuoso has an undeserved reputation for mugging. 这位26岁的音乐家,因为丰富的肢体语言与面部表情而声名在外。
- I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine. 我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。
- An undeserved success is like a medal that is found lying in the street. 有名无实的功绩,就象在街上拾到的奖章。
- NIV] Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest. [和合]麻雀往来,燕子翻飞;这样,无故的咒2诅,也必不临到。
- God uses the money I give him to serve other saints (Christians).This too is an undeserved privilege. 神运用我所献的金钱去供给其他圣徒(基督徒),这亦是一种不配的特别恩典。
- Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest. 麻雀往来,燕子翻飞,这样,无故的咒诅,也必不临到。
- He has an undeserved reputation for financial wizardry, based upon his supposed expertise in rectifying the damage done by the bubble. 他恢复了泡沫经济所造成的破坏,俨然是一个专业的财政魔法师,但实际上他根本名不副实。
- Some scientists claim that piranhas have an undeserved reputation for brutality and only travel in packs for protection against larger predators. 一些科学家宣称食人鱼们不该得到这样的名声,它们集体行动只是为了保护自己不被更大的捕食者所伤害。
- Solemnity and lightheartedness, an important dimension of Chinese literature, has been subjected to an undeserved negligence. 严肃与轻松作为解读中国现代文学史的一个重要维度,长期以来受到学界不应有的忽视。
- Perhaps somebody thought to already existed in economics 200 old today, this is the commonsensible problem of an undeserved answer. 也许有人认为在经济学已存在了200多年的今天,这是一个不值得回答的常识问题。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- an undeserved punishment, rebuke, reward 不该受的惩罚、 责备、 报偿
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- An undeserved punishment,rebuke,reward 不该受的惩罚、责备、报偿
- has an undeserved reputation as a coward. 不应得的懦弱的名声。
- Whenever you do something good for an undeserving person, you are acting on the power of agape. 每当你善待一个不配的人,便是靠著神的爱所赋予的能力行事。