- An Worthy Charming As His Own 名士自风流
- John tried to work off the story as his own. 约翰想冒称这个故事是他写的。
- He's staked out this part of the house as his own. 他说屋子的这一部分归他所有。
- She tended the ill child just as his own. 她象照顾自己的孩子一样照顾这个生病的小孩。
- Mr. Brownlow adopted Oliver as his own son. 布朗劳先生认奥立弗做了儿子。
- He never really accepted her as his own child. 他一直没有真正接纳她为自己的亲生女儿。
- He took the orphan as his own child. 他把那孤儿当作自己孩子一样。
- He plays Chopin exquisitely as his own. 他以精湛的技艺演奏着肖邦的作品,好像作品是出自他自己之手。
- He passed off this theory as his own. 他谎称这一理论是由他自己提出来的。
- He tried to work off the poem as his own. 他想冒称这首诗是他写的。
- Mr. Wang adopted the orphan as his own son. 王先生领养那孤儿作为自己的儿子。
- Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。
- Mr. King adopted the orphan as his own son. 金先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。
- Mr.Kern a the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子.
- Mr. ho adopted the orphan as his own son. 何先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。
- Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收为养子。
- It has never come into question for him to speak English as fluently as his own language. 对他来讲,说英语像说他的本族语一样流利从没有被认为是可能的事。
- Aylmer takes his wife as his own property and reduces her to a sex object and an artifact of his own creation. 而乔治亚娜也已将男权机制内化,实现了自我物化,因此她间接充当了这一杀妻事件的帮凶。
- The teacher refers to the poor child as his own son. 那位老师把那个可怜的小孩当做自己的儿子。
- He's even more good-looking than in photos or on TV.He is as warm and charming as his music,"said one of his fans,"I think his music style is really different. 他的一个歌迷说:“他比照片和电视上更帅气,就像他的音乐一样热情迷人。我觉得他的曲风真的是与众不同。