- An operatic aria. 歌剧乐谱
- a parody of a Shakespearian sonnet, an operatic aria, a well-known politician 对莎士比亚十四行诗、 歌剧咏叹调、 著名政治家演说的滑稽模仿
- A parody of a Shakespearian sonnet,an operatic aria,a well-known politician 对莎士比亚十四行诗、歌剧咏叹调、著名政治家演说的滑稽模仿
- Except Operatic Aria, transposing is allowed or solo pieces. 除歌剧咏叹调外;独唱歌曲允许移调演唱.
- A bass singer, especially an operatic bass. 低音歌手低音歌手,尤指演唱歌剧的低音部分
- A bass singer,especially an operatic bass. 低音歌手低音歌手,尤指演唱歌剧的低音部分
- Then Chueh-min's voice rose again, this time in a popular operatic aria. 过了一会儿,依旧是觉民的声音飞起来,唱一首流行的歌曲。
- In deciding on an operatic career she hitched her wagon to a star. 她决定当歌剧演员,那是有点好高鹜远了。
- Two lovers who are both in opera are prevented from being together by the man? s lack of acceptance as an operatic tenor. 剧情描述三兄弟之中的老大想尽办法欺骗一名贵妇投资他的歌剧公司,不料两名调皮捣蛋的弟弟却在歌剧首演之夜在台前幕后大出洋相,但如此以来却让两名真正有天份的年轻歌唱家得到出头机会。
- In one generation, the personality entities that love to sing channel through a form that also has the genetic qualities of an operatic voice. 在某代,人格存有喜欢上了以歌唱来通讯,通过的形态也有着遗传的一个有着歌剧式的嗓音的质量。
- This latter, originally an operatic vocalist, has won recognition with mass audiences by switching over to a popular repertoire. 后者原来是一个歌剧演员,转成流行表演,通过转型,赢得了大家的认可。
- Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage? 你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗?
- An operatic prima donna. 迪娃歌剧中的女主角女神
- The opera was marred by an awkward aria. 整部歌剧毁在咏叹调部分的不够熟练。
- As a world renowned lyrico-spinto tenor from Hong Kong, Warren Mok has an operatic repertoire of more than 50 leading roles around the world. 活跃于国际乐坛的华裔男高音莫华伦是当今歌剧领域享负盛名的香港音乐家。
- Each year, Wei sets one major project as her goal.In earlier years it was always an operatic production, but she is slowly moving towards more public missions. 其实,在巡迴演讲的过程中,魏女士不但做到社教方面的贡献,亦在其中展现了真实的自我,她认为这跟在舞台上是两种截然不同的呈现。
- Each of the Legendary Operas by Ruan Dacheng seemed to have produced sensational effects upon its appearance, which is an operatic event well worth researching. 摘要阮大城每一部传奇作品问世几乎都会在当时产生轰动效应,这是十分值得注意的戏剧现象。
- Beijing Deyunshe Troupe is an operatic performance group with the aim of promoting socialist culture and cultivating the operatic talents to entertain the public. 北京德云社是以弘扬民族文化,培养曲艺人才,服务大众为主旨的曲艺演出团体。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。