- But two wrongs do not make a right. Mr. Martin, an honourable man, should know better than to stoop so low, especially while he is delivering homilies on civility. 一方不高明并不等于另一方也理应做下三烂。马丁是个值得尊重的人,他不应该降低自己的人格,尤其是当他自己正在推崇文明行为的时候。
- That Mr. Billson would read a private paper was a thing which could not occur to me;he was an honourable man, and he would be above that. 我绝没有想到比尔逊先生居然会看私人文件,他是个台面上的人,想必不会屈尊干那种事情。
- An honourable man, indeed! 好一个正人君子!
- Martin, an honourable man, should know better than to stoop so low, especially while he is delivering homilies on civility. 马丁是个值得尊重的人,他不应该降低自己的人格,尤其是当他自己正在推崇文明行为的时候。
- But two wrongs don't make a right. Mr. Martin, an honourable man, should know better than to stoop so low, especially while he is delivering homilies on civility. 一方不高明并不等于另一方也理应做下三烂。马丁是个值得尊重的人,他不应该降低自己的人格,尤其是当他自己正在推崇文明行为的时候。
- I spoke to the manager and said I don't expect to play in any game. He is an honourable man and if I don't play, that's down to him. 我对教练说,我不想踢任何比赛。他是一个值得尊重的人,如果我不能上场,这将由他来决赛。
- This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen. 这项有关贿赂的指控是对一个正直公民的无耻诽谤。
- Such a man is an honour to his country. 这样的人是国家的光荣。
- An honourable man can be done to death by slanderous tongues 谗言败坏君子,冷箭射死贤人
- He has had an honourable career. 他有一段光荣的经历。
- He received an honourable discharge from the army. 他获准体面退伍。
- They managed an honourable 2-2 draw. 他们奋力打成了的 2:2 平局,值得敬佩。
- He is descended from an honourable family. 他是名门望族的后裔。
- No one can forbid an honourable kiss. 没人不喜欢光彩的吻。
- A damned saint, an honourable villain! 美丽的暴君,天使般的魔鬼。
- We esteem it an honour to be invited. 我们能受到邀请不胜荣幸。
- He was received as an honoured visitor. 他以贵宾的身分受到款待。
- Teaching is an honourable calling. 教书是光荣的职业。
- I imagine that to be singled out by the Captain for a farewell luncheon is indeed an honour. 我想象被船长选去参加送别宴会确实是一种荣耀。
- It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 我很荣幸被邀在这里讲话。