- An early Iron Age settlement 早期铁器时代的住所
- The village also gave its name to the early Iron Age Hallstatt culture and is a World Heritage Site for Cultural Heritage. 这个村还向它的名字早期铁器时代哈尔施塔特文化,是一个世界遗产文化遗产。Hallstatt is a popular tourist attraction owing to its small-town appeal and can be toured on foot in ten minutes.;哈尔施塔特是著名的旅游景点由于其小城镇的吸引力,可以步行参观了10分钟。
- The museum houses permanent collections of freshwater invertebrates , terrestrial insects, fresh water fishes, plants, birds, fossils , rocks and minerals, and Late Stone Age and Early Iron Age material. 永久收藏品有淡水无脊椎动物、陆地上的昆虫、淡水鱼类、植物、鸟类、化石、岩石与矿物、石器时代晚期和早期的铁器时代等。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- She's wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 她从小就想当演员。
- She was widowed at an early age. 她年轻时就成了寡妇。
- Her father betrothed her to him at an early age. 她父亲在她年幼时已把她许配给他。
- The travelling public is hoping for an early settlement of the rail dispute. 旅行的民众们都在希望铁路争端的早日解决。
- Her responsibilities matured her at an early age. 她肩负的责任使她早熟。
- He read grown-up books at an early age. 他小小年纪就看大人看的书。
- He came to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- Most animals let their young fend for themselves from an early age. 大多数动物让他们的幼仔从小就独立生活。
- She began to compose (songs) at an early age. 她年轻时就已开始创作(歌曲).
- He began to scratch along for himself at an early age. 他从很小的时候起就开始自己挣饭吃。
- Austrilia is an early settlement of England. 澳大利亚是英国早期的殖民地。
- signs of an Iron Age settlement 铁器时代村落遗址
- I was farmed out to nannies at an early age in that farmhouse. 小的时候我是在那间农舍由奶妈照看的。
- The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age. 人类学会用铁制造工具的时代称为铁器时代。
- That will entail an early start tomorrow morning. 那就需要明晨很早动身。
- You're an early bird this morning! 你今天起得真早啊!