- An avalanche of ice. 冰崩冰的崩塌
- The editorial office received an avalanche of mail. 编辑部收到大量的信件。
- We received an avalanche of inquiries. 我们一下子收到了大批询问信函。
- The program brought an avalanche of mail. 这个项目带来了数不清的邮件。
- I have had an avalanche of letters and advice about this service. 我收到大量关于这次礼拜仪式的信件和劝告。
- We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement. 广告登出后, 我们收到雪片般涌来的大批信件。
- I received an avalanche of e-mail and letters expressing support. 我则收到雪崩般的表示支持的电子邮件和信函。
- Tears are happy, and an avalanche of flow, and then wet a world. 眼泪是快乐的,排山倒海地流,然后湿了一个世界。
- An avalanche of ice 冰崩冰的崩塌
- It was met with an avalanche of responses from virtually all unmarried women in the nation. 于是全国未婚女青年纷纷揭竿而起。
- A ridge or hill of ice in an ice field. 冰丘冰原上的冰脊或冰山
- One word (waiting?) Leads to an avalanche of other words (if you are) (waiting?) For a woman. (一个词[在等待?]引发了一场其他词的雪崩,如果你是[在等待?]为了一个女人)。
- Headquarters was swamped by an avalanche of applications for battle assignments. 请战书像雪片似地飞向指挥部。
- The idea-forming-process is not linear, but more like an avalanche of amplifications along the thinking path. 创意的生成过程不是线性的,而更像是沿着思考路线的滚雪球过程。
- The idea-forming-process is like an avalanche of amplifications along the thinking path. 创意的形成正如沿着思考路线的滚雪球过程。”
- The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice. 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了。
- We get caught up in an avalanche of fears and desires that propel us into a race we can't possibly win. 我们被接踵而至的恐惧和欲望包围,强迫我们加入一场不可能获胜的赛跑。
- The train was delayed because of ice on the line. 火车因铁轨结冰而误点。
- Talking to Ustinov, you run the risk of drowning in an avalanche of anecdotes, yet he remains charming company, the perfect dinner-party companion. 和乌斯蒂诺夫交谈,你就像掉进了轶闻趣事的汪洋大海之中。然而,他是一位很可爱的伙伴,宴会桌上的好伙伴。
- Every morning I make a pitcher of ice tea. 每天早晨我做一罐冰茶。