- An authentic deed is a formal deed prepared by or executed before a notary. 公证书是由公证员出具或见证的正式证书。
- An authentic deed. 手续完备的契约
- Is that an authentic painting or a copy? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- An authentic account by an eyewitness. 一份目击者的真实证言
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- He wanted an authentic accent of Lincoln. 他需要了解林肯的真正口音。
- He's got an authentic letter by Shakespeare. 他弄到了一封莎士比亚的亲笔信。
- Is that an authentic painting from Piccaso? 那幅油画是毕加索的真迹吗?
- Is that an authentic Roman statue,or a modern copy? 那尊罗马雕像真是罗马时代的还是现代的仿制品?
- Following an authentic spiritual master. 遵循真正的精神上师。
- It seemed that we were playing an authentic end. 看起来我们在踢决赛。
- She is wearing an authentic designer dress. 她穿的是正品名牌女装。
- Is that an authentic painting from Piccaso, or a modern copy? 那幅油画是毕加索的真迹还是现代仿制品?
- Is that an authentic painting from Piccaso,or a modern copy? 那幅油画是毕加索的真迹还是现代仿制品?
- To my astonishment, the thing had an authentic look. 使我吃惊的是,这玩意看上去是真的。
- Can you distinguish between an authentic antique and a fake one? 你能辨认古董真品和赝 品吗?
- The copy he made of the painting can pass for an authentic one. 他临摹的画足以乱真。
- This is an authentic news report.We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
- The girl is an authentic girl.I'll produce her for you if you want. 这个女孩很可靠, 如果你要见她, 我会带她来给你看看。
- Is that an authentic Roman statue, or a modern copy? 那尊罗马雕像真是罗马时代的还是现代的仿制品?