- An association in pairs. 二联成对相联
- A gene implicated in Spinal Muscular Atrophy showed an association in three populations, but not in Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria. 一个涉及脊髓性肌萎缩病的基因显示出与三个人群有关联但却没有在伊巴丹、尼日利亚、的优鲁巴人身上发现。
- From the moment of his first speaking to us, his voice had connected itself with an association in my mind that I could not define. 从他一开始和我们说话起,他的声音就在我的脑海里引起一种模模糊糊的联想。
- Cuff-links are only sold in pairs. 袖扣论对卖。
- In a model, an association is drawn as a line. 在模型中,联系用一条直线表示。
- Mutualism: It is an association in which two species of organisms live together and both obtain benefits from each other. (互利共生:两种类一起生活的联系,相方都从对方身上得益。)
- Noah built an ark, which the animals came on to in pairs. 挪亚建造了方舟,动物们成双成对地来了。
- The plaintiffs, who had formed an association in order to bring the case, alleged that the existing rate schedule unfairly discriminated against recycled goods. 原告们为了提出起诉而组织了一个快会。 他们指控现行价格制度不公正地排斥回收物资。
- The first point out that the music and color (light) is an associate in nature to aqqik the Clausius-withdrawal of corrensite. 最早指不入音乐与色彩(平)在不梢质上有干系的给算阿其那修斯.;柯撤尔,他觉得音乐是平不梢体的模仿者。
- An association of farmers founded in the United States in1867. 格兰其1867年在美国成立的农民协会
- Find a partner and work in pairs. 找一个伙伴做对子活动。
- Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network headed by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi,an associated in collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida lieutenants. 伊拉克保护着一个致命的恐怖网络。该网络的头目是穆萨布扎卡威,他是本·拉登的副手和合作者。
- Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network headed by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, an associated in collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida lieutenants. 伊拉克保护着一个致命的恐怖网络。该网络的头目是穆萨布扎卡威,他是本·拉登的副手和合作者。
- Please read the dialogue in pairs. 请两人一起读对话。
- While in Pairs he got acquainted with Balzac. 在巴黎的时候他认识了巴尔扎克。
- An association of farmers was founded in the United States in 1867. 美国农民协会于1867年成立。
- I've been in Pairs for the last two months. 这两个月一直在巴黎。
- An association is implemented in Java using a data attribute. 这样一个关联是用属性来实现的。
- The pupils were arranged in pairs . 小学生被成对地排列起来。
- An association of persons united in a common purpose or profession. 社团为了同一目的或职业而联系在一起的人的组织