- At the same time, this and other STDs make it easier for the “AIDS virus” to enter the body , and thus they also increase the risk of an HIV infection. 同时,梅毒和 其他性传播疾病使艾滋病病毒更容易地侵入人体, 因而,它们也增大艾滋病病毒感染的风险。
- An HIV infection. 人类免疫缺陷病毒传染
- There is no vaccine against HIV infection. 现在还没有防艾滋病病毒传染的疫苗。
- AIDS is another name for HIV infection. 艾滋病是艾滋病病毒感染的另一个名称。
- A copy of Health Certificate (including an HIV test). (四)健康证明书一份(包括人类免疫缺乏病毒有关检查)。
- Each year about 200 new cases of HIV infection are diagnosed. 现时每年新诊断的爱滋病病毒感染个案约有200宗。
- U.S. and Thai researchers say an experimental AIDS vaccine has for the first time cut the risk of HIV infection by almost a third. 美国和泰国研究人员表示,一种还在实验中的爱滋病疫苗第一次把感染爱滋病毒的风险降低了近三分之一。
- Hepatic Abscesses in Young Adult; A Clue of HIV Infection? 年轻成人的肝脓疡;HIV感染的线索?
- Sifuvirtide, an HIV fusion inhibitor, is the leading drug candidate of FusoGen. 其中抗艾滋病新药西夫韦肽,为公司发展的最为快速的产品。
- After all, HIV infection and nongonococcal only one step away. 毕竟,感染非淋和感染艾滋病只有一步之遥。
- What are the behaviors that place WSW at risk of HIV infection? 哪些行为给与女人做爱的女人带来危险?
- That is,the passing on of HIV infection from a pregnant mother to her fetus. 即怀孕的母亲将HIV传播给胎儿。
- Grouped vesicles on an erythematous base occurring unilaterally are indicative of herpes zoster.It is a common early or initial manifestation of HIV infection. 单侧发生的红斑基底上的群集水疱是带状疱疹的指征,也常是HIV感染的早期表现。
- Karaoke at the Burkina Faso capital, Ouagadougou, visit an HIV voluntary counseling and testing center. 卡拉当天在布基那法索首都瓦加杜古访问了一个艾滋病毒自愿咨询与检测中心。
- These are cells of the type that HIV infects. 而这些细胞正是艾滋病毒感染的那一类细胞。
- Key to the new work was the discovery of an HIV sample that had been taken from a woman in Kinshasa in 1960. 新的研究工作的关键是1960年在金沙萨一位妇女身上提取的爱滋病样本的发现。
- Focus on the prevention of HIV infection through sexual transmission. 艾滋病领域工作的重点是预防艾滋病通过性的传播。
- Synthesis of saquinavir,an HIV protease inhibitor,was researched via convergence method. 采用平行-连续法合成了HIV蛋白酶抑制剂沙奎那韦。
- But patients with HIV infection on HAART commonly suffer from side effects. 但是,接受HAART治疗的患者通常在遭受药物副作用的困扰。
- HIV infection reduces the body immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. HIV感染降低了人体对结核菌的免疫力。