- Amphibious Assault Fuel System 两栖攻击油料系统
- Amphibious Assault Bulk Fuel System 两栖攻击散装油料系统
- Amphibious Assault Fuel Supply Facility 两栖突击油料补给设施
- They proposed a heavy and concentrated amphibious assault. 他们计划进行一次猛烈而集中的两栖攻击。
- The Navy's newest amphibious assault ship arrived in its namesake city today. 海军最新两栖攻击舰“纽约号”抵达与它同名的城市纽约。
- Inhibits corrosion in fuel system . 抑制油路系统中的腐蚀现象。
- Combat System of Amphibious Assault Ship 两栖攻击舰作战系统
- The Normandy invasion began with overnight airborne paratrooper and glider landings, massive air and naval bombardments, and an early morning amphibious assault on June 6, D-day. 诺曼底登陆,为盟军开辟了欧洲第二战场,使德军陷入了苏军和英美盟军的东西夹击之中,加速了德国法西斯的灭亡。
- By then, the USS Boxer, an amphibious assault ship with 1,000 crew members, and the guided-missile frigate USS Halyburton had joined the Bainbridge. 这时,一艘有1000名船员美国的两栖攻击舰“拳击手”号,与另一艘导弹护卫舰“哈利伯顿”号也加入到班布里奇的行列中来。
- The fact is, if you want to conduct an amphibious assault and the enemy has subs and or transports in the sea zone, you don't have to attack them! 事实上,如果你要开展两栖登陆战,而敌方的潜艇或运输艇在该海域,你不必先攻击他们!
- Except these three American warship, the United States Navy Iwo Jima an amphibious assault ship rate formation drives into Mediterranean Sea. 除了这三艘美国军舰,美国海军“硫磺岛”号两栖攻击舰正率一个编队驶入地中海。
- He knew all about getting ashore from an LCVP, about beach obstacles, about paths up the bluff, about ravines, about amphibious assault techniques. 他知道如何从登陆艇登上海岸;知道如何对付海滩障碍;知道如何循小径攀上高崖;知道如何在深沟峡谷地带作战;
- Amphibious Assault Bulk Water System 两栖攻击散装供水系统
- Install fuel injectors use tool VM-1012 (refer to Group 14, Fuel System). 用工具VM-1012安装燃油喷射器(请参阅单元14,燃油系统)。
- General Allen said a second Navy task force led by the amphibious assault ship the Bonhomme Richard had entered the Indian Ocean Monday to join in operations off Sumatra. 艾伦将军说,由海陆两栖战舰理查德号率领的第二支救援舰队在星期一进入印度洋,加入苏门达腊海岸的援救工作。
- Supervision IT services that Fuel System IT provides to each functional area. 为各部门提供IT服务。
- The delegation is expected to tour the USS Preble in San Diego and observer a demonstration of an amphibious assault vehicle and weapons simulation training at Camp Pendleton. 中国代表团希望参观美国在圣地亚哥的航空母舰群,并且希望操作一下在彭德尔顿的两栖战车和武器模拟试射。
- Enough knowledge of diesel engine fuel systems. 充分掌握柴油发动机燃油系统的工作原理。
- It is composed of units capable of delivering ship-to-shore assault troops, such as Tarawa-class and Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, and landing craft. 由具备投送“由舰到岸”攻击部队能力的各单位组成。如“塔拉瓦”级和“黄蜂”级两栖攻击舰以及登陆艇等。
- Work with each functional leader on implementing IT projects in Fuel System. 和相关部门的负责人合作完成本公司的IT项目。