- American Tree Sparrown. 树雀鹀(鹀科)
- South American tree having fruit similar to the true guava. 南美树种,果实类似于番石榴。
- Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood. 中美洲的一种树,出产带有深色条纹的贵重红木。
- Some of those species on the upland and salt marsh areas are Canada Geese, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and Redstart warblers, Osprey, Oystercatchers, Willets, and Tree Sparrow. 生活在丘陵和盐沼区的一些物种中包括加拿大大雁、黄喉地莺、红尾鸲、鹗、蛎鹬、鹞和树雀。
- A tropical American tree(Ocotea rodioei) having dark,greenish,durable wood. 绿心奥寇梯木一种产于热带美洲的树木(奥寇梯木属绿心奥寇梯木),木色黑绿,木质坚硬
- A tropical American tree(Ocotea rodioei) having dark, greenish, durable wood. 绿心奥寇梯木一种产于热带美洲的树木(奥寇梯木属绿心奥寇梯木),木色黑绿,木质坚硬
- Any of several African or tropical American trees having striped wood. 牛栓藤一种非洲或美洲热带地区的有条纹的树木
- A tropical American tree(Hippomane mancinella) having poisonous fruit and a milky sap that causes skin blisters on contact. 毒番石榴热带美洲产的一种乔木(马疯木),长有有毒的果实,树的奶状液汁接触人的皮肤可以使皮肤起水泡
- A small dioecious tropical American tree(Chlorophora tinctoria) having wood that yields a yellow dyestuff. 黄木一种可产生黄色染色剂的热带美洲产雌雄异株树木(黄木或染料桑木)。
- A tropical American tree(Annona cherimola) having heart-shaped,edible fruits with green skin and white,aromatic flesh. 切里墓亚番荔枝美洲热带地区乔木(毛叶番荔枝),结可食的心形果实,果皮为绿色,果肉白色且有香气。
- A tropical American tree(Crescentia cujete) bearing hard-shelled,gourdlike fruits on the trunk and main branches. 炮弹果美洲的一种热带树木(炮弹果炮弹果属),其树干和主枝条上长带硬壳的、类似于葫芦的果实
- The vaccine is then mixed with saponin, a soaplike derivative from a South American tree. 然后把这种疫苗与一种皂角苷相混合。 皂角苷是一种像肥皂的物质,源于南美的一种树。
- A small dioecious tropical American tree(Chlorophora tinctoria)having wood that yields a yellow dyestuff. 黄木一种可产生黄色染色剂的热带美洲产雌雄异株树木(黄木或染料桑木)
- South American tree(Dalbergia cearensis) with hard, fine-textured, purplish-brown wood used in cabinetmaking. 王木具有硬质的,良好结构的,紫褐色木质的南部美洲乔木(西阿拉黄檀黄檀属),用于制作家俱
- Gliricidia Sepium, for example, is a Central American tree that grows well even in poor, dry soil. 例如,毒鼠豆树生长在中美洲,它甚至在贫瘠干旱的土壤中也能茁壮成长。
- A tropical American tree(Crescentia cujete) bearing hard-shelled, gourdlike fruits on the trunk and main branches. 炮弹果美洲的一种热带树木(炮弹果炮弹果属),其树干和主枝条上长带硬壳的、类似于葫芦的果实
- According to our investigation, tree sparrows roost in conifer trees in winter. 据调查,越冬期麻雀在针叶树上夜宿。
- A South American tree(Dalbergia cearensis) with hard, fine-textured, purplish-brown wood used in cabinetmaking. 王木具有硬质的,良好结构的,紫褐色木质的南部美洲乔木(西阿拉黄檀黄檀属),用于制作家俱
- Avocado Oil, derived from the fruit of a tropical American tree, is a rich, fatty-acid emollient. 鳄梨油,来自一个热带水果的美国树,是一种丰富的脂肪酸润肤油。
- A spiny tropical American tree(Haematoxylon campechianum)in the pea family, having dark heartwood from which a dyestuff is obtained. 洋苏木一种美洲热带产豆科多刺乔木(墨水树),芯材为黑色,可用于制备染料