- ASA: Short for American Standards Association, but use as a speed rating system for the sensitivity of photographic materials to light. 是美国标准协会的英文缩写,用作定照相材料的感光速度等级。
- ASA: Short for American Standards Association, but use as a speed rating system for the sensitivity of photographic materials to light. The light the number, the faster the speed of the film. asa:是美国标准协会的英文缩写,用作定照相材料的感光速度等级。数字越高,感光速度越快。
- ASA (American Standards Association) 美国标准协会
- ASA = American Standards Association 美国标准协会<现在是ANSI
- ASA (American Standard Association) 美国标准协会(从1966年起改为USASI)
- (of a scale of film speeds)American Standards Association(/British Standard) (指底片度数)美国标准([英国标准])
- American Standards Association 美国标准协会
- VESA? Video Electronics Standards Association? 视频电子标准协会?
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 美国信息交换标准代码。
- American Standard Association 美国标准协会
- ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Exchange. ASCII代表“美国信息交换标准代码”。
- Your goods has to be pass AATCC test as american standard? 这是个什么标准啊?该怎么通过这个标准啊?
- The pcco is designed and produced on the American standard. 该项目所采用的PCCP采用美国标准设计、生产。
- The independent testing bodies, American Society of Sanitary Engineering and Canadian Standards Association, have validated the valve's primary and preventative functions. 独立的检测机构,美国卫生工程协会和加拿大标准协会,对于阀门的主要性能和预防性能进行检测认证。
- The instructions are provided by either of the two Binary coded decimal systems: the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) code, or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). 有两种二进制编码的十进制系统:电子工业协会(EIA)代码或美国信息交换标准代码(ascii),指令可由其中的一种系统发出。
- ASCII: Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 雅舒码:英文是的字首字缩写。
- Becoming member of CSA ( Canadian Standards Association International ) international certification institution. 加入加拿大标准协会CSA会员。
- He has been assuming the vice director of Access Network Working Group of CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) since 2003. 2003年起担任CCSA(中国通信标准化协会)接入网工作组副组长。
- According to your American standards of law and order, won't the rioter on the LA street being shot at? 按照你们美国人的法律标准及做事原则,洛杉矶街头的暴徒不会被射击吧?
- We are also a member of the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) and a member of Shenzhen Translators Association Council. 飞蓝现在是世界本地化行业协会(LISA)成员,中国翻译协会会员,深圳翻译协会理事单位会员单位。