- American Public Radio 美国公共电台
- The American public stopped supporting the war in Vietnam. 美国公众不再支持美国在越南进行的战争了。
- A hot wave of anger swept over the American public. 强烈的怒潮席卷美国公众。
- American public opinion began to worry more. 美国的公众舆论变得更加忧心忡忡了。
- That was not to be divulged to the American public. 那是不向美国公众揭示的。
- "He spoke recently on National Public Radio, MPR saids It . 他最近在国际公共电台上演讲。
- American public schools are rigidly secular. 美国公立学校世俗透顶。
- The phrase "secret diplomacy" has long been a red rag to American public opinion. “秘密外交政策”的说法长期以来引起了美国公众的愤怒。
- Radio stations receiving the news interrupted regular broadcasts to announce the tragic news to the American public. 广播电台在接收到这个消息之后,也中断正常节目,持续对美国民众播放这则新闻。
- This speech didn't play well with the American public. 演讲没有很好的迎合美国公众。
- It's easier to be a Bernard Shaw to the British or American public than it is to be a Bernard Shaw to your own family. 对着英、美的一般大众当萧伯纳(挖苦人家), 总比对着自己的家人当萧伯纳来得容易。
- Indeed,to the American public anyone who knows too much is suspect. 美国公众的确认为,不论是谁,知道得太多就可疑。
- Many of the variations in American public behaviour are regional. 美国公众举止的差异多为地区性的。
- There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love public radio and those who don't even know it exits. 喜欢听公共广播的人和那些不知道还有公共广播的人。
- Media Web Site Goes Back to Old Name to Avoid Trademark Battle With Existing Public Radio Show. 媒体网站重用旧名称,避免和现今公共无线广播秀发生商标争执。
- A new study examines the naming of American public schools. 一项新研究调查了美国公立中小学的命名情况。
- But as Bob Hensley of Capital Public Radio reports atthis hour state lawmakers remain deadlocked. 然而,首都公共广播电台记者鲍勃.;亨斯利报道称,此时州立法委员们仍处于僵持状态。
- A new study examines the naming of the American public schools. 一项新的测试对美国公立学校的命名进行了研究。
- The blog had been nominated for an award in a blog contest organized by the German public radio station Deutsche Welle. 该网志在德国公共广播电台德国之声组织的博客竞赛中获得一项提名。
- Many of the variations in American public be-haviour are regional. 美国公众举止的差异多为地区性的。