- Listed as“ Blue Clip Distributor& Agent of Hong Kong” by the American Consulate General, Hong Kong. 获美国驻香港领事馆列为香港主要蓝筹供应商及代理商.
- American Consul General 美国总领事
- He has applied to the American Consul for a visa . 他已向美国领事馆申请签证。
- He has applied to the American Consul for a visa. 他已向美国领事馆申请签证。
- Ambassador and Consul General of the inscription. 大使和总领事的题词。
- He was previously Chinese consul general in Sydney. 他早先是中国驻悉尼总领事。
- The Heads of AWW met with Pakistan Ambassador and Consul General. 院领导会见巴基斯坦驻华大使及总领事。
- He will hold the post of consul general for the United States at Shanghai. 他将就任美国驻上海总领事。
- Welcome address by Brian Davidson, British Consul General Guangzhou. 英国驻广州总领事戴伟绅先生致欢迎辞。
- He'll hold the post of consul general for the United States at Shanghai. 他将就任美国驻上海总领事(的职务)。
- Ms Boel Evander, Consul General of Sweden, visited the Vessel Traffic Centre. 香港大學專業進修學院40人代表團(到訪船隻航行監察中心和海上救援協調中心)。
- It is requested that you issue me a new I-20 form with correct information as soon as you can. The American consul here is very critical. 特去信请求尽快寄发正确填写的新的I-20表格。这里的美领馆非常顶真。
- Dear British Consulate General Shanghai. 英国上海领事馆签证处
- I just got off the phone with the American Consulate. 我刚和美国领事馆通完电话。
- Now let's welcome Mr. Igor Pacolak, the Consul General of Slovakia to give a speech. 我们以热烈的掌声欢迎斯洛伐克总领事为我们献上感言。
- New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu invited to attend the inaugural ceremony. 中国驻纽约总领事彭克玉应邀出席了首航仪式。
- Speakers included Mr.Alejandrino A.Vicente, Consul General of the Philippines in Hong Kong, Mr. 论坛上,来自不同业界的专业人士探讨了香港人口政策的新方向。
- The U.S Consul General to Shanghai told me that he found that ballroom dancing by Chinese people is better than that of Americans. 美国驻上海总领事对我说,我发现中国人跳起国际交谊舞比美国人跳得还好。
- Parliament president of New South Wales and Chinese Deputy Consul General of Sydney were giving the speech at the opening ceremony. 新南威尔士州议长及中国驻悉尼副总领事在开幕式上致辞。
- The Director of Environmental Protection, Mr Robert Law; and the Austrian Consul General, Dr Helmut Boeck, attended the signing ceremony. 环境保护署署长罗乐秉及奥地利驻港总领事白嘉逸博士均出席这项签署仪式。