- Today the American command had to admit that the fighting potential of Baghdad defenders is “fairly high” and the rivals show no sign of demoralization. 今天,美军指挥部不得不承认巴格达保卫者的作战潜力是“相当高的”,而且对方没有士气低落的迹象。
- American commanders may also declare victory and withdraw, at least from some outlying provinces. 美军指挥官同样可以宣布胜利并撤军,至少可以从边远省份撤军。
- The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle. 美军司令海军上将尼米兹怠于出战,这是可以理解的。(副词分译)
- An American commander said of the town of Ben Tre, "it became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it. 一位美国指挥员在谈及槟知市时这麽说:“为了救这座城镇,有必要毁了它。”
- The American commander in Kabul said he will need the troops for the long term to fight the growing insurgency. 美国在喀布尔的指挥官说,他需要这些部队长期驻守阿富汗,打击日益增多的反叛活动。
- Despite the weight of history and the yearly deterioration in security, American commanders remain convinced that the war is “winnable”. 不管历史的重担和每况愈下的安全局势如何,美军指挥官依旧坚信战争是“可能获胜的”。
- General Ray Odierno, the American commander in Iraq, has called the Arab-Kurdish dispute “the number one driver of instabilities” in Iraq. 驻伊美军指挥官奥迪耶诺将军认为阿拉伯-库尔德人是在就伊拉克(谁是)“头号不稳定制造者”问题争执。
- Progress, as General David Petraeus, the American commander on the ground, is wont to say, is “fragile and reversible”. 美驻伊负责人大卫将军习惯性地称进展是“脆弱而可逆转的”。
- American commanders do not know whether the Pushtuns are really, as they claim, too afraid of the Taliban to co-operate, or whether they in fact sympathise with the insurgents. 美军指挥官不能确认阿富汗人是否真的如他们宣称的一样对塔利班组织害怕而不敢合作,还是他们实际上同情支持反抗者。
- For decades after the fall of Saigon, traumatised American commanders gave up the study of messy "small wars" to concentrate on fighting the decisive "big war" against the massed armies of the Soviet block. 西贡失陷以后数十年,精神受创的美军指挥官放弃研究麻烦的“小型战争”,转而集中于为对抗苏联集团的大军而打一场决定性的“大战”。
- Despite the weight of history in Afghanistan (the defeat of British and then Soviet forces) and the yearly deterioration in security, American commanders remain bullish that the war is “winnable”. 尽管阿富汗的历史份量(先是击败了不列颠,然后打退了苏联军队),尽管阿富汗安全逐年恶化的形势,美国指挥官们仍然把持乐观,觉得阿富汗战争“能赢”。
- True, General John Abizaid, the American commander, is a moderate and sensible man, who understands the problems here; his family's Middle Eastern background must be a considerable help in that way. 美军司令官阿比扎德将军确实是一个温和且通情达理的人,他洞悉这里的问题所在,他家的中东式背景布置肯定从那种方式中得到过大量启示。
- Just as NATO is vital to Afghanistan, so Afghanistan is vital to NATO.General Dan McNeill, the American commander of ISAF, has given warning that the alliance's future is at stake in the country. 就像北约对于阿富汗来说是至关重要的,阿富汗对于北约也是至关重要的。
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。
- American girls are often very pretty. 美国女孩多很漂亮。
- S. military and Iraqi civilian deaths and Americans commanders say they know why: the U.S. troop increase and an Iraqi groundswell against al-Qaida and Shiite militia extremists. 美军指挥官说他们知道原因所在:美军驻军的增加和伊拉克人民迅速增长的对基地组织和什叶派极端主义民兵的自发狙击。
- Many American are couch potatoes these days. 现在许多美国人都是电视迷。