- Amblyomma maculatum Koch 斑点花蜱
- Amblyomma maculatum [医] 斑点钝眼蜱
- Scolopendra subspinipes multilans Koch. 少棘巨蜈蚣
- Scolopendra subspinipes multilans(L.)Koch. 少棘巨蜈蚣
- Studies on diapause of Tetranychus urticae Koch. 二斑叶螨滞育特性的初步研究。
- Koch Cellulose Asia HK Co., Ltd. 科氏纤维亚洲香港有限公司。
- Animal infected test accords with Koch postulates. 动物感染试验符合Koch准则。
- Koch, whose attacks on opponents are no-holds barred, said that he is really caring and compassionate. 攻击对手不择手段的葛德华说,他对人非常关怀并具同情心。
- The Koch administration says it's serous about protecting New York City workers who blow the whistle no waste, fraud and corruption. 葛德华(所主持的)市政府表示将认真保护揭发浪费、舞弊及贪污的纽约市政府员工。
- Koch is considered the founder of modern bacteriology. 科赫是现代细菌学的奠定者。
- The Lorenz Attractor is fractal.The Koch curve is fractal. 是不是每个人生命中都有类似的“蝴蝶效应”?
- City officials yesterday politely rejected Donald Trump's offer to take over renovations at the Central Park Zoo, but privately said the developer was trying to make a monkey out of Mayor Koch. 市府官员婉言谢绝了特鲁普按管整修中央公园动物园的提议,可是私底下说这位地产开发商是想出葛市长的洋相。
- SeeHarald Koch and Frank Diedrich, Civil procedure In Germany, p83. 又见宋冰主编:《读本:美国与德国的司法制度及司法程序》,中国政法大学出版社1998年版,第317页。
- A European plant(Arum maculatum)having arrow - shaped leaves, a yellow - green spathe, and scarlet berries. 欧洲疆南星一种欧洲的植物(疆南星属天南星科点纹疆南星),生箭状叶子、红绿色的佛焰苞并结鲜红色浆果
- Maybe you can't really blame him, but Mayor Koch obviously hasn't looked at himself in the mirror lately, especially when he says President Reagan is a wimp. I guess it takes one to know one. 也许你实在不应该责备葛市长,他显然最近没照照镜子,尤其他不应该说里根总统是一个窝囊废。我想他自己一定是窝囊废才知道谁是窝囊废。
- A European plant(Arum maculatum)having arrow - shaped leaves,a yellow - green spathe,and scarlet berries. 欧洲疆南星一种欧洲的植物(疆南星属天南星科点纹疆南星),生箭状叶子、红绿色的佛焰苞并结鲜红色浆果
- Measurements of Koch's Triangle in Children With Structural Heart Disease. 在心脏直视手术下儿童Koch三角的测量研究
- A European plant(Arum maculatum) having arrow-shaped leaves, a yellow-green spathe, and scarlet berries. 欧洲疆南星一种欧洲的植物(疆南星属天南星科点纹疆南星),生箭状叶子、红绿色的佛焰苞并结鲜红色浆果
- He went on to sign a singing contract with Fuse Music Network and Koch Records. 他随后与福斯音乐网和科赫唱片公司签了约。
- Koch's team studied 307 mostly white, heterosexual women aged 35 to 55. 研究小组调查了307名35到55岁的白种的异性恋妇女。