- Amauronematus Konow 蜷叶蜂属
- He wants to learn,to konow,to teach. 他想要学会,知道,教。
- Do you konow where can I wash photoes? 你知道可以在哪儿洗照片吗?
- He doesn`t konow beans about insurance business at all. 他对保险业务一窍不通.
- You should not konow sb. will by sth. which a lot of people not need. 你根本想不到有人会买别人不再想要的东西。
- Life is like a box of chocolate,you never konow what will go to get! 温格这老头眼光挺准得不容小嘘啊!
- You're about to burst into tears at any momentand you don't even konow why. 不论在什么时候,你总有种想哭得冲动,却不知道为了什么。
- I wanted to give you some views about the developent of China,I wish it can help you konow more about China. 这里;我想就中国的发展这个主题谈一些我的看法;希望有助于诸位对中国的了解.
- All right,sir.Please hang up and I'll let you konow when I've put the call through. 对吗?好的,先生,请先挂上电话,等我接通了,就给你接过来,
- I don't konow why and I don't know how I never even met you before tonight. But you were a friend and more when I needed one. 我不知道你为什么会死,怎么死的,今晚之前我甚至没见过你,但是在我最需要的时候你是朋友。
- But I really don't konow what I lost and what should I make,and even what they need is also a difficult question for me to answer. 我们当时都笑了。他不紧不慢的解释到,身体屈服,心里不屈服。这是一种自信,更是不会轻易服输之人。中国人大多善于打“太极”,做事圆滑,表面一套容易与人为善;
- Maintain good human relations in my life. If I have a decsion I think it right ,I never give it up easily,Beacuse I konow I can . 在校期间,在英语无线电广播和校园广播站担任英语主播,锻炼了自己的口语和表达能力。并在多次演讲比赛中荣获好的成绩及担任主持。
- You konow, many employees interview serval candidates to simplize the procedure. Your challenge is how to pale others by showing your ability and talent in front of candidates. 要知道,许多的雇主会让多名候选人一同进行复试以简化程序。你的挑战是如何让自己从众多候选者中脱颖而出。
- I konow I am a very tiny girl and without me, the earth turns all the same, but you can find you are very important to some people one day.that's great honour to me. 活着不会那么简单,给自己创造简单的生活,或许你会更快乐?
- I don't konow why, or how to better the current reality or to find a fleasible way to vent my anger, my rade for being confined and tortured in such a trash school! 昨天交完书报亭的模型来,弟兄几个合力骂了一阵娘。看看我们自己,本该有的课没有,本不该学的硬是要开要考,从大学物理到物理实验到工程化学,到概率数学,到线性代数!
- I don't konow why, or how to better the current reality or to find a fleasible way to vent my anger, my rage for being confined and tortured in such a trash school! 昨天交完书报亭的模型来,弟兄几个合力骂了一阵娘。看看我们自己,本该有的课没有,本不该学的硬是要开要考,从大学物理到物理实验到工程化学,到概率数学,到线性代数!
- I konow well about this area. 我对这一带(区域)了如指掌。
- Konow yourself. 人贵有自知之明。
- Among vertebrates, the best konow social parasites are such birds as cuckoos and cowbirds;the female lays an egg in a nest belonging to another species and leaves it for the host to rear. 脊椎动物中,最有名的寄生生物,如杜鹃、牛鹂,它们的雌鸟在其它鸟的巢中产卵,并靠巢的主人饲养其后代。
- I want konow the answers, 我想知道答案