- Always be young at heart. 永远保持年轻的心态。
- It is best to be young at heart. 心中保持年轻是最好的。
- And there are lively pensioners so stimulated by everything going on around them that they'll be young at heart for ever. 有些拿养老金的人十分快活,他们对周围发生的一切事都是兴致昂然,所以他们年龄虽大,心却永无是年轻的。
- And there are lively pensioners so stimulatedby everything going on around them that they'll be young at heart for ever. 有些拿养老金的人十分快活,他们对周围发生的一切事都是兴致昂然,所以他们年龄虽大,心却永无是年轻的。
- Though James is old, he is young at heart. 虽然James年纪大,但他是人老心不老。
- Mr Lawson is nearly eighty, but he's still young at heart and interested in everything we do. 劳森先生近80岁了,但他仍然童心犹在,对我们所做的每一件事都感兴趣。
- Some old people keep young at heart in spite of wrinkles and gray hairs. 有些老年人尽管肤皱发白,但心里却青春长驻。
- He is young at heart and is fond of watching cartoons with his grandson. 他是个老来少,最爱跟孙子一起看动画片。
- At heart, I've always been a Brazil fan.I'm wearing a yellow and green shirt with "Brasil" printed on it, and I yelp when they score. 在内心深处,我永远是一个巴西球迷,我穿上了一件印有“(葡萄牙文)巴西”字样的黄绿球衣,在他们进球时也大喊着。
- Mr. Speilberg has spun stories featuring children and teenagers that appealed to both the young and the young at heart. 斯皮尔伯格编织了以儿童和十几岁孩子为主题而对年轻人和年长者都有吸引力的故事。
- Mr Lawson is nearly eighty,but he's still young at heart and interested in everything we do. 劳森先生近80岁了,但他仍然童心犹在,对我们所做的每一件事都感兴趣。
- I'm not your best student, and you are my most revered teacher. In your holiday, your students would like you to always be young! 我不是您最出色的学生;而您却是我最崇敬的老师.;在您的节日;您的学生愿您永远年轻!
- With irreverent storytelling, spunk and wit, Hoodwinked delivers a comedy caper for the young, the young at heart and everyone in between. 对于小红帽的故事,你可能早就耳熟能详,不过你只看到故事的表面,真相原来可以好反斗!
- Whereas a woman might have always been cold at night when she was younger, she might feel like a furnace from menopausal hot flashes as she grows older. 女性年轻的时候晚上身体很冷,变老之后更年期的热火会让她感觉自己像个火炉。。
- She can always be reached by the office telephone. 打电话到办公室去总能找到她。
- When they were young, they had always been together, but a dividing wind began to blow between Lon who lives in the past, and Chin, with her eyes on the future. 结婚还是分手、坚持理想还是找份工作平凡终老,青梅竹马的情侣到了三十岁关口,人生不在非黑即白的简单选择,而是一层层深浅错叠的灰色渐层,再无法逃脱。
- Lovely beautiful people, not just because of his appearance, the first decision of his mental outlook. A high quality, and will always be young and beautiful. 人的美丽可爱,不仅仅是由于他的容貌,首先决定他的精神面貌。一个品质高尚的人,永远是年轻和美丽的。
- He took it for granted she would always be so. 他认为她永远会如此是理所当然的。
- A student should always be curious to learn. 学生应该始终具有强烈的求知欲。
- The gray hair of years has climbed on your temples, but in my eyes, you are young at all times, for, in the sea of knowledge, you always keep pace with the pioneers of the day. 岁月的白发虽然爬上了您的双鬓,在我看来您却永远年轻,因为,在智慧的大海里,您始终与时代的先行者并驾齐驱。