Although it was not accurate record when people began to produce salt in the region, but from some ancient ceramics we can find that people in Tree Gorges began to utilize and look for salt spring in the Pale-olith, and to produce salt in the Neolite.

  • 尽管三峡先民开发利用盐泉的确切年代,缺乏史籍记载和直接的考古材料,目前尚无从稽查考证,但勤劳的峡民由于主观上嗜盐本能的需要,客观上自然界又具有提供所需物质的条件,凭借直观的感觉和偶然的机遇,远在旧石器时代就业已利用和发现盐泉,迨至新石器时代早期随着陶器的出现即开始了原始的泉盐生产。
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