- JFS supports both sparse and dense files, on a per-file system basis. 按文件系统分,JFS既支持稀疏文件也支持密集文件。
- In a pale sky stars are sparse and shrinking. 天淡星稀小。
- Very hard and dense ice that is difficult to climb. 且黑冰是非常硬、密度非常高、非常难攀登的。
- The undercoat is soft and dense. 底层被毛柔软浓密。
- The microfibrils in the zonule became sparse and the microfibril... 结论:在近视眼的病理改变中也伴随着悬韧带结构的改变。
- The new cracks appear sparse and the casing deforms smoothly. 基于此,笔者提出了利用声发射原理对套管损坏状态进行实时监测的新思路。
- Its capitulum is pre-releasing and dense. 功能:除寒祛风、壮阳、调经、止血。
- Fine and dense structure for hard and brittle work piece to grind. 硬而且脆弱的工件加工时用细密的组织。
- The grass was fresh and dense, the slender, fine grass of June. 青草长得新鲜,浓密,娇嫩,这是六月的芳草。
- Spotlessly white sandy beaches and dense tropical plants. 洁白的沙滩和茂密的热带植物。
- It has a lustrous purple sheen and is hard and dense. 散发紫色光芒的拜拾克金相当坚硬、密实。
- Types: continuous ring disc and dense teeth welding disc. 型式:有连绩式环型切片及密式焊接切片。
- Dare to prevent rustic, sincere and respectful sparse and short primer. 敢竭鄙诚,恭疏短引。
- The silica-phellem block and stomate tubercle on 3rd leaf are underdeveloped, the tubercle of stomate block is small and dense in japonica, big and sparse in O. 发现了三叶期第三叶片的硅化-木栓细胞带和气孔器乳突发育不完全的现象。
- Structural changes before and after autotomy in the autotomized tissue were from dense to sparse creases in the epidermis and dense to loose in the connective tissue. 自割后之自割组织膨大,背、腹面表皮形态改变,腹面表皮褶皱减少,内部组织蓬松。
- Lianas to 6 m, softly and densely short tomentose. 藤本植物给6米,轻轻和浓密短被绒毛。
- Thus his account of the crucial Guayaquil encounter is sparse and somewhat anti-climactic. 使得他对这次决定性的瓜亚基尔会面的描述有些简略甚至平淡。
- It‘s denseness prolificacy fertility make a sharp contrast with the sparse and poor native soil. 它稠密、多产、肥沃,与当地稀疏、贫瘠的土壤形成鲜明的对比。
- When as a child we seek deep intimacy of affirmations greatly only to find them sparse and considerably less desired. 当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们深入的探索各种断言的相互联系,很大程度上却只是发现几乎没有什么关联,不像预料的那样。
- Spar dir/Sparen Sie sich den Weg bitte! 回去吧! 别送了。