- Alnus lanatan. 毛桤木
- F. [V. uolkameriifolia DC.Var. lanata S. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Vernonia parishii Hook.
- F. [V. uolkameriifolia (Wall.) DC.Var. lanata S. 拉丁植物动物矿物名: Vernonia parishii Hook.
- A cardiac glycoside, C41H64O14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. 地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用
- Betula ermanii and Alnus mandshurica predominated in the colonizing woody species on forest boundaries. 林缘入侵物种主要由岳桦和东北赤杨组成。
- The genetic responses of 13 alder(Alnus cremastogyne) provenances was evaluated for at 5 test locations. 对桤木13个种源在5个测试点进行了生长性状的遗传测定.
- Alder (Alnus nepalensis),an important non-legume nitrogen-fixing plant,occurs widely in the eastern Himalayas. 桤木(Alnusnepalensis)是一种重要的非豆科固氮植物,广泛分布于喜马拉雅山脉东部地区。
- The variation degree of PAL activity,lignin growmjiight-growth of each Alnus cremastogyne clones is consistent. 不同无性系间PAL活性、木质素增长、高生长之间的差异是一致的;
- A cardiac glycoside,C41H64O14,obtained from the leaves of a foxglove,Digitalis lanata,with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. 地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用
- Hosts include Casuarina spp, members of the genera Myrica and Alnus, and other species that are not widely exploited for agriculture. 它的寄主包括木麻黄科、杨梅属和赤杨皮属的几个树种,和在农业上还没有被广为开发利用的一些种。
- Wood chemical compositions of 5 ,8 and 11 yr old Alnus cremastogyne plantations in the plantation area of Fujian Province are reported. 首次报道了四川桤木5、8和11年生3种树龄木材的化学组分测定结果。
- Plants on right grown without added Co for 6 months (Alnus) 7 months (Myrica) or 9 months (Casuarina) showing symptoms of decreased growth. 右边植株进行缺氮水培,没加钴分别为六个月(Alnus)、七个月(Myrica)、九个月(Casuarina)出现生长迟缓。
- The variation law and pattern of seven phenotypic traits of Alnus cremastogyne seeds and cones from 5 provenances in natural distribution were studied. 摘要研究了桤木自然分布区内的5个种源的球果长度、宽度、长宽比、果柄长和每粒质量等共7个表型性状的变异规律和模式。
- Using scanning electron microscopy techniques to observe the leaves surface of Alnus mandshurica and find it far axial epidermis with peltate glandular hairs. 利用电镜扫描技术,观察东北桤木叶片表面,发现其远轴面表皮上具有盾状腺毛。
- Through mensuration and research of the Interception by Canopy,Litter Moisture Content Impress and Soil water physical characteristics of Alnus cremastogyne Burli. 对桤木人工林的林冠层截留效应、枯落物层蓄水特征以及土壤水分物理性质的测定与研究.
- Eurasian alder tree (Alnus glutinosa) that is sometimes cultivated in North America, especially for its ability to grow in soils too wet for many other trees. 黑桤木:一种欧亚产桤树(欧洲桤木桤木属)有时在北美种植,尤其因为该树具有能在对于许多其他树来说过于湿润的土壤中生长的能力
- Digitalis lanata Ehrh. [医] 毛花洋地黄
- Correlation analysis shows that growth rate has no ef fect on wood density and chemical composition of Alnus cremastogyne plantations in the plantation area. 相关分析说明生长速率对四川桤木引种人工林的木材密度和化学组分作用较小。
- Thus a comprehensive criterion for tree species selection for firebreak belt design is presented,which concludes that Alnus nepalensis,Ligustrum lucidum,Schima superba and A... 得出旱冬瓜、女贞、木荷、圣诞树抗火性能较强,旱冬瓜、圣诞树在昆明地区最为适宜。
- The results showed that all water parameter of Ceratoides arborescens were higher than that of Ceratoides lanata, and the photosynthetic rate of C. arborescens was also higher under water stress. 试验结果表明,华北驼绒藜的水分生理指标普遍高于绵毛优若藜,在水分胁迫状态下,华北驼绒藜的光合作用要比绵毛优若藜强。