- Apart from magnetite and almandine garnet, the skarn also contains these minerals: idocrase, actinolite, epidote, fluorite and andradite (another garnet mineral). 主要构成矿物除磁铁矿和铁铝榴石外,矽卡岩尚有其他矿物如符山石,阳起石,绿帘石,萤石及钙铁榴石。
- Almandine Garnetn. 铁铝石榴子石(硅酸盐)
- A brown or yellowish-brown variety of garnet. 钙铝榴石,桂榴石一种褐色或黄褐色的石榴石
- A transparent, green variety of garnet used as a gem. 翠榴石一种透明的、绿色的、用作宝石的石榴石
- The variety of garnet includes almandine, pyrope, magnesium-iron garnet, manganese-aluminum garnet, andradite and calcium-chromium garnet. 石榴石的种类包括(铁铝榴石、镁铝榴石、镁铁榴石、锰铝榴石、钙铁榴石、钙铬榴石)。
- Great deal of almandine decompose the ilmenite, the iron given off turn into the garnet lattice, and the titanium given off become rutile during metamorphosing and mineralization. 变质成矿过程中,大量铁铝榴石的形成,促使钛铁矿分解,释放出的铁进入石榴石晶格,释放出的铁形成金红石。
- A deep red garnet, Mg3Al2Si3O12, used as a gem. 镁铝榴石(红榴石)一种深红色的石榴石;Mg3Al2Si3O12,用做宝石
- A deep - red garnet, unfaceted and convex. 红榴石一种深红色的石榴石,无刻面呈凸圆状
- A brown or yellowish - brown variety of garnet. 钙铝榴石,桂榴石一种褐色或黄褐色的石榴石
- A deep - red garnet,unfaceted and convex. 红榴石一种深红色的石榴石,无刻面呈凸圆状
- A deep red garnet,Mg3Al2Si3O12,used as a gem. 镁铝榴石(红榴石)一种深红色的石榴石;Mg3Al2Si3O12,用做宝石
- Are they making strudel, Peking duck, or chicken almandine? 北京烤鸭?
- A deep-red garnet, unfaceted and convex. 红榴石一种深红色的石榴石,无刻面呈凸圆状
- Beautiful deep garnet red colour. 深浓美?如红石榴宝石一般的颜色。
- Deep garnet red with purple tints. 深宝石红色带微紫色调。
- Delicate Blood Garnet Matches a Red Socket. 精致血榴石 对应红色插槽。
- Medium ruby color with garnet tints. 宝石红色的酒体,泛着深红色光泽。
- Deep and brilliant garnet red colour. 深而明亮的石榴红色。
- Teardrop Blood Garnet Matches a Red Socket. 泪珠血榴石 对应红色插槽。
- Medium ruby colour with garnet tints. 宝石红色的酒体,泛着深红色光泽。