- Allison headrest 阿丽森头托(一种俯卧位时用的头托)
- Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard. 垒上的鲍勃·艾里森击出了他们的第二个本垒打。
- FVL complained batch of headrest staffs were rust. 越南抱怨头枕杆批量生锈。
- But Allison Jackson beat them to the punch. 但是阿丽森杰克逊却给了他们沉重的打击。
- Allison, Jack and I wanna see you in his office. 来下办公室,我和杰克找你。
- Andrew stayed home on Monday with Allison. 少君星期一在家看佳佳。
- Allison wore her first Jean jacket today! 佳佳今天第一次穿牛仔衫!
- When I am lonely, Allison keeps me company. 当我孤独时,蓝桀会陪伴我。
- She called Allison, Conner and Mandy. Then Jessica had an idea (主意).
- Allison hang out freely while snacking along. 家家边吃边晃优,开心了好一阵。
- A: Hello, could I speak to Allison, please? A: 你好,请找埃里森接电话,好吗?
- Allison's new year seems to have a rough start. 佳佳的新年有个辛苦的开头。
- Allison stayed in that tub 3 months too long. 佳佳已经多用了3个月。
- Allison had her 9-month checkup today. 佳佳今天作了9个月的医疗检查。
- Allison got to like these balls, I thought. 我想着佳佳一定会喜欢。
- No wonder Allison looked “over-flowing” in it. 怪不得佳佳在澡盆里好像要“噗”出来的样子。
- Remote control of headrest monitor can Control DVD unit. 头枕遥控可控制DVD主机。
- Who knows, Allison may just come through. 说不定佳佳真的会不负重望。
- A Special Message from Allison Janney! 艾伦秀-艾莉森的祝福!
- Jimmy: Is your friend Webster coming tonight? Allison: He might drop in. You know what he is. 吉米:你朋友韦伯斯特今晚来吗?艾利森:可能会来。你是知道他这个人的。