- Commander Allied Forces North Norway 北挪威盟军部队司令
- Allied Forces North Norway 驻挪威北部盟军
- Allied Air Forces North Norway 北挪威盟军空军部队
- He led the Allied forces in the campaign in North Africa. 在北非的战役中,他率领盟军。
- The Allied Forces fought withGermany. 盟军跟德国交战。
- Together, the allied forces set off for Luoyang. 然后,这支盟军就向着洛阳进发。
- He led the Allied forces during the war. 他在战争期间领导盟军。
- The Allied Forces fought with Germany. 盟军跟德国交战。
- Damn Allied Forces! Shoot them down! 该死的联合军!击落他们!
- He was commander of allied forces in Europe. 是驻扎在欧洲的联盟部队的总司令。
- Germany made overtures of peace to the Allied Forces. 德国向盟军提出和平建议。
- They supported the communications of the Allied Forces. 这些卫星保障了多国部队的通信畅通无阻。
- Ensure the safety of the allied forces for the allotted time. 保护自己的地面力量直到时间结束。
- In 1943, Allied forces captured Naples during World War Two. 1943年,在世界大战二期间联军夺取了那不勒斯。
- Allied Task Force Commander North Norway 北挪威盟军特遣部队司令
- We allowed combined allied forces to gang up against them. 我们允许各路联军联合起来抵挡他们。
- Allied forces crumbled before the wehrmacht meat grinder. 盟军在德国国防军绞肉机面前出现溃败。
- And then troops on their victorious pursuit, and then the group army and the allied forces led by the eighth tie in May 1943 in in North Africa Candi total annihilation. 随后又挥师乘胜追击,随后率领第八集团军与盟军配合于1943年5月在突尼斯全歼北非残敌。
- After the Normandy Landing the allied forces won one victory after another. 诺曼底登陆成功后,盟军军威大震。
- In the battle of Normandy, the Allied Force had the day. 诺曼底之战,盟军奏凯。