- Thank You for your Co operation. 谢谢你的合作。
- Rommel countered that they had never had to fight under Allied air supremacy. 隆美尔反驳说他们没有再拥有制空权的盟军飞机下作过战。
- Due to Allied air superiority, the Tigers in Normandy and France were employed mainly in a static defensive role. 他们在北非和意大利取得了类似的成功,给盟军部队制造了巨大的心里影响。
- The two schools are co operating on the project. 这两所学校在这一项目上进行协作.
- Advanced Aeronautics is the backbone of the Allied air force and the primary upgrade for the Vindicator Rush. 高级航空学是盟军空军的中枢同时是维护者快攻的基本升级。
- The WTO membership will lead China to further commit itself to intensifying such co operation and pushing for bilateral talks between developed and developing countries. 中国成为世贸组织会员国后,将进一步强化这种合作,推动发展中国家和发达国家之间的对话。
- Meanwhile, allied air forces were harrying the enemy communications and aircrafts in Southern Italy, and port of Naples. 同时,盟国的空军正在骚扰敌人在意大利南部的交通线和机场以及那不勒斯港口。
- The preliminary exparimental results of a new developed PSTM STM co operation system are reported. 报导我们研制的一套光子扫描隧道显微镜(PSTM)和扫描隧道显微镜(STM)联用系统的初步实验结果。
- On the alternate line from Pisa and Florence south to Rome, the Siena yards were bombed by Mediterranean Allied Air Force Bombers. 锡耶纳站场位于从比萨和佛罗伦萨到罗马的的交替线上,执行轰炸的是地中海联盟空军的轰炸机。
- Allied air supremacy prevented rapid German reinforcements, and discord between Adolf Hitler and his generals stalled crucial counterattacks. 盟国的空中优势使德国人的迅速增援相形见绌,希特勒和手下将军们的意见不一也使其反攻未能成功。
- The one who makes the heads of the pins must be certain of the co operation of the one who makes the points if he does not want to run the risk of producing pin heads in vain. 从事于针头操作的人,如果要使他有把握他的劳动力不致于白费,则对于从事于针尖操作的另一工人的协作,必须毫无疑虑。
- Then they were expected to move almost 100km (62 miles) under constant Allied air attack to their concentration area, before massing for the assault. 而且他们要行军将近100公里(62英里)前往集结地,而在进攻之前还会经常遭遇盟军的空中打击。
- Objective:To investigate the curative effects of combined Ventolin TM on acute ashma in child and the nursing co operation. 目的:探讨儿童哮喘急性发作时联合使用全乐宁的疗效及护理配合。
- It took several hours for the troops to get on the road, and they spent the rest of the day moving westwards under relentless Allied air attack. 这个师在路上花了几个小时的时间,接着他们在盟军的空袭下向西前进。
- It aims to cut tariffs and remove non-tariff barrier, realize product elements' reasonable fluence and enhance overall economic co operation. 其主要内容是减除成员国之间关税、技术壁垒,实现生产要素合理流动,加强全面经济合作。
- The Leibstandarte was thrown into the battle piecemeal because of delays in moving the division from the Caen Front along congested roads and under incessant Allied air attack. “警卫旗队”师分散的进入战斗,因为他们从卡昂前线到这里的路一直拥堵,并且一直遭到盟军不间断的攻击。
- By October 1918 there numbers made them a highly effective piece of naval ordnance to dissuade allied air interdiction at key locations (Zeebrugge, Brugge,etc). 到1918年这种非常的海军火炮已经在数量上足够威胁到协约国对主要目标的空中打击。
- The US general still needed another day before he could be in a position to counterattack, so he turned to the Allied air forces to contain the German tank columns. 美军将军还需要一天的时间来为反击做准备,因此他让盟军飞机来牵制德军坦克部队。
- Connecting with example this paper introduces the ratio nal application of bypass pressure fixing and secondary pumping system in air co nditioning s cooling water system of tall buildings. 本文结合实例介绍了旁通定压和二级泵系统在高层建筑空调冷水系统中的合理应用。
- Their meteorologists had predicted several days of such weather, during which it was calculated that the Allied air forces would be grounded and the German supply columns spared the inferno of Normandy. 根据天气预报,会连着几天有这样的气候,估计盟军的飞机在这期间不能起飞,德国的供应线可以免遭诺曼底那样的浩劫。