- Excepting his youngest son, all the family are all right. 除了他最小的儿子之外,全家人都平安无事。
- All the members of the family are good citizens, and abide by laws and observe discipline. 他们全家都是遵纪守法的好公民。
- All the family were at hone when he went by yesterday. 昨天他顺便走访时,一家人都在。
- All the family were at home when he went by yesterday. 昨天他顺便来访时,一家人都在。
- Her death was a great distress to all the family. 她去世後全家人极为悲痛。
- After finding his suicide note, all the family were driven crazy and looked for him everywhere. 发现他的绝命书之后,可把全家急坏了,到处找他!
- On our camping holiday, all the family took turns at cooking. 在我们野营假日里,全家轮流做饭。
- She earns enough to keep herself and all the family in good clothes. 她的收入能让全家经常有好衣服穿。
- All the family members depend on his own wages. 所有家庭成员就依靠他自己的工资。
- All the family members dressed up for the party. 全家人都为晚会穿上了盛装。
- Her death is a great distress to all the family. 她去世后全家人极为悲痛。
- He was worried by all the cares of the family. 他为家庭的各种牵累所烦恼。
- All the menfolk(s) in his family are little, thin people. 他家中所有的男人都又矮又瘦。
- Of all the family members she gets up the earliest. 在家里所有人当中,她起得最早。
- All the menfolk(s)in his family are little,thin people. 他家中所有的男人都又矮又瘦。
- It was a joyful reunion of all the family. 阖家团聚,其乐融融。
- Dick is babied by all the family. 狄克受到全家的宠爱。
- All the family members are crowing over his victory. 所有家庭成员都为他的胜利而感到高兴。
- Larkins?Are the young ladies and all the family quite well? 年轻的拉金斯小姐们和一家人都好吗?”
- Now, who belongs to the family soul? First are the children, all the children. 现在看看,谁属于这个家庭灵魂?首先是孩子,所有的孩子。