- All protest had been silenced. 一切反对的声音都被压了下去。
- The results of an International Sporting Event shall be final only when all protests have been dealt with by the Jury and the Jury has ceased its functions. 一个国际体育活动,只有在所有抗议活动已获得陪审团处理,且陪审团已停止其职能,其成绩才是最终。
- The police formed a cordon around the marchers and lined every street along the parade route, but the protest had been authorized in advance and the atmosphere remained relaxed. 警方在游行者周围设置了警戒线以及设定了游行路线,但是这次抗议是被提前授权,同时气氛放松。
- Local protesters have been bussed out of Beijing or jailed. 当地的异见人士要么被驱逐出北京,要么被送进监狱。
- All protest is brutally repressed by the regime. 一切抗议活动都遭到当局的野蛮镇压。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- Such social protest has been rare in recent years amid widespread political apathy and fear of government retribution. 近年来,由于人们普遍对政治淡漠、且担心政府打压,这类活动非常罕见。
- Xinhua said most of the protesters had been dispersed by midafternoon. 新华社称,下午三点左右大多数抗议者都已经散去。
- It disheartened all of us that she had been dismissed. 她被解雇了,这使我们大家都很沮丧。
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。
- All her clothes have been at pawn. 她所有的衣服都已典当了。
- All the strawberry jellies had been eaten. 草莓冻都吃光了。
- All in all it had been a great success. 从各方面来说,那都是极大的成功。
- The tone of their protests had been Annies exactly- not bereavement but outrage. 他们的抗议的音调正好是安妮-并非丧亲而是暴行。
- The accused man said he had been framed. 被告说他受人陷害了。
- It must have been raining. The pavement is all wet. 刚才准是下雨了。人行道都湿了。
- I seem to have been on the go all day. 我似乎整天一直忙忙碌碌。
- All the roads leading to the city had been mined. 通往该城的所有路上都已布雷。
- Unruly protest makes good television and is especially welcome in a slow month for news. The protesters have been dominating US newspapers and news programmes in recent days. 难以控制的抗议声让电视节目变得好看起来,在新闻寥寥的本月尤受欢迎。抗议者们在最近几天已经成为美国报纸和新闻节目主要的报道对象。
- All these items have been checked up. 所有项目都已核对过了。