- All polar bears are lefthanded. 北极熊都是左撇子。
- All polar bears are left-handed. 所有的北极熊都是左撇子。
- All polar bears are left handed. 所有的北极熊都是左撇子。
- All polar bear are left-handed. 北极熊都是左撇子。
- Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals. 北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。
- The polar bears are white and large. 北极熊是白的,而且体型庞大。
- Polar bears are masters at conserving energy. 北极熊是保存能量的专家。
- Two polar bears are seen on a chunk of ice in the arctic. 北极地区,两头北极熊在冰块上。
- Polar bears are well adapted to life in the chilly[2] Arctic. 北极熊很适应北极寒冷的生活。
- Polar bears are proving to be popular representatives of their threatened environment. 北极熊证明是非常受欢迎的代表,他们的威胁环境。
- Bears are usually brown or black in color, but the Giant Panda has black-and-white skin, while the polar bear is white. 熊通常是灰色或黑色的,但也有其他颜色的,例如大熊猫是黑白的,而北极熊则是白色的。
- A baby polar bear asks his mum: "Hey, what sort of bear am I? 一只小北极熊问它的妈妈“嘿,我是哪一种熊呢?
- Polar bears are coming into vogue in both documentary and fiction while also serving as cuddly new icons of the environmental movement. 北极熊正逐渐盛行的两个纪。
- Polar bears are champion long-distance swimmers among land mammals, and it is not uncommon to find them at sea as far as 50 miles from land or an ice floe. 在陆地哺乳动物中,北极熊无疑是长距离游泳冠军。人们经常在距离陆地或者大块浮冰50英里远的地方看到它们。
- Since male polar bears are known to be Macho Gigolo - master of one -night stand, female poplar bears have to suffer for the ‘quickie’ relationship. 众所周知由于雄性北极熊是大男子主意的男妓,擅长一夜情,所以雌性北极熊不得不忍受这种“闪电”婚姻。
- The judge also said there was no proof to support a claim that polar bears were drowning while searching for icy habitats melted by global warming. 法官同时表示,没有证据可以证明北极熊会被淹死,而寻找寒冷且可以作为栖息地会融化都是全球暖化者的祸!
- It also reports that between 100 and 200 other cold-dependent animal species, such as penguins and polar bears are in deep trouble. 另有报道称有100到200种生活在寒冷环境下的动物也深受影响,其中包括企鹅和北极熊。
- New pictures show that polar bears are beginning to cannibalise each other as global warming destroys its hunting grounds. 最近拍摄到的照片显示,由于全球变暖导致猎食地消失,北极熊开始捕食同类。
- And there is no evidence that polar bears are being mismanaged through existing international agreements and the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act. 并没有任何证据表明,北极熊是失当,通过现有的国际协议,以及美国海洋哺乳动物保护法。
- Some very famous people have been lefthanded. 一些杰出的人物就是左撇子。