- All my flowers have died. 我的花全死了。
- Morion:“Word came that my flower had eaten my neightbour . (消息传来,我的花吃了我的邻居。)”
- All my plants have died. 我的花草全死光了。
- I shall have to sell up to pay all my debts. 我将不得不卖掉我的东西来还债。
- I have never heard such silly drivel in all my life. 我一生中从未听到过这样的蠢话。
- All my life I have tried to be an honest man. 我一生都想做一个诚实的人。
- I'll have just 10 over when I've paid all my debts. 要是我把债还清了,我就只剩下10英 镑了。
- I have staked all my hopes on you. 我已经把我所有的希望都寄托在你身上了。
- The flowers have died. 那些花已枯萎。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- These tropical flowers have bright colors. 这些热带花卉颜色很艳丽。
- I don't want all those people trampling about all over my flower beds. 我可不能让那些人都在我的花坛里到处乱踩。
- My flower of the day dropped its petals forgotten. 我的昼间之花,落下它那被遗忘的花瓣。
- He rebuffed all my offers of friendship. 他拒绝了我的一切友好表示。
- I set you on a pedestal: I would have died for you. 我曾崇拜你,愿意为你而死。
- All kinds of flowers have come out in the valley. 山谷里各种各样的花已竞相开放。
- I don't see fit to tell all my plans. 我认为把我的全部计划告诉你是不必要的。
- I don't see fit to tell you all my plans. 我认为把所有的计划都告诉你是不适宜的。
- I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days! 我一生中从未听到过这种胡言乱语。
- It take a week for it to sink in that his mother have die. 大约过了一个星期,他才会意过来他母亲已经死了。