- All messages except White List 除了白名单外的所有邮件
- Then all messages inside would be viewed totally. 那么,里面的短信可就一览无余了!
- We try to respond to all messages within 24 hours. 我们尽力在24小时内回复所有的留言。
- For example, you can delete all messages with the word "jokes" in the Subject line, except those from your cousin (whose jokes you like). 例如,您可以删除“主题”行包含词语“笑话”的所有邮件,除非来自您堂兄(您喜欢他的笑话)的邮件。
- This example returns a list of all messages that have the specified identity and are located in any queue on the specified server. 此示例将返回具有指定标识并且位于指定服务器上任何队列中的所有邮件的列表。
- Uses outgoing e-mails to fill the address white list. 使用即将发出邮件添加到白名单地址列表。
- Three tabs are present: General, Black List, and White List. 三个标签是:一般而言,黑名单,白名单。
- Marks all messages in selected newsgroup or folder as read. 将选定的新闻组或文件夹中的所有邮件标记为已读。
- CONT ON: You can play back all messages in a folder continuously. 可以连续播放一个文件夹中的所有讯息。
- This attribute is named "generic " and is present on all messages. 这个属性被命名为“generic ”,并且将出现在所有的消息中。
- Uses phrase white lists for spam recognition. 使用短语白名单识别垃圾邮件。
- Each profile will have its own White List and Black List, thus all accounts will be validated against these lists. 每个配置文件有其自己的白名单和黑名单,因此会根据这些名单验证所有帐户。
- If the event is not registered, all messages are piped to standard out. 如果此事件没有注册,则所有消息以管道输入方式输入到标准输出。
- Specify a signature that will appear at the bottom of all messages you send. 指定出现在每封邮件后的签名。
- All messages must be written and put inside an envelope for the guest. 所有留言必须写下来,为顾客装在信封中。
- The Chronicle reviewed all messages sent to the DCSSA listserv since April 6. 校报浏览了从4月6日起发在杜克中国留学生会论坛所有的信息。
- Furthermore, KSN now allows the HIPS module to move an application from the KSN white list to a trusted group. 此外,KSN现在允许HIPS模块将应用程序从KSN白名单中添加到信任的组别中。
- You can receive notifications when all messages you send are delivered or read. 当所有已发送的邮件都被送达或读出后,您可以收到通知。
- This data will be processed to help build and improve the comprehensiveness and robustness of the white list. 这数据将被处理,以帮助建立和完善的全面性和稳健的白名单。
- Merchant says, on market of Nanjing building materials, monovalent 300 yuan of the following stone material, wait for a few breed except white, almost all stone are moved to pass motion. 店主称,在南京建材市场上,单价300元以下的石材,除白色等少数品种,几乎所有的石头都被人动过手脚。