- His theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal. 他的理论基于人人生来平等的前提。
- The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal. 这个理论基于人人平等的前提。
- All man are born equal. 人人生而平等。
- All men are born equal. 人生而平等。
- "We think the truth is self-evident: all men are born equal, the Creator gives them a number of inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the right to the pursuit of happiness. “我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可让与的权利,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”
- It's true that all men are born free and equal - but some of them get MARRIED! 事实上,所有的人都出生在自由和平等下,但是只有一部分人选择结婚。
- All men are born to be equal, but love is not bron to be equal at all! 忘了这是那部电影中的旁白, 不过我相信许多轰轰烈烈的爱恋奇情通常是不怎麽平衡甚至是一面倒 !
- All men are born free and unequal. 所有的人生来自由,但不平等。
- All men were born equally. 人生来平等.
- All men are born condemned, so the wise say. All suckle the breast of Death. 先知说:每个人都是吮吸着死亡之乳,带罪而生。
- All men are equal before the law.. 法律面前,人人平等。
- Not all men are equal in ability. 人的能力不都是一样的。
- The Declaration claims that all men are born free and equal in right, that all social distinctions can only be based on law and that safety and private property are sacred. 宣言公布人们生来是自由平等的,社会等级只能以法律规定为依归,个人安全和财产是神圣不可侵犯的。
- All men are equal in the sight of God. 上帝对所有的人都一视同仁。
- "Its Basic principle was that "all men are Born free and equal in rights,"specified as the rights of liberty, private property, the inviolability of the person, and resistance to oppression. 资本主义财产权利体系创新之处在于确立了独立的私人产权,实现了私有财产神圣不可侵犯和行使私人财产权利自由的原则。
- All men are equal in the sight of law. 法律面前人人平等。
- All men are born with ropes round their necks, but it is only when caught in the swift, sudden turn of death that they realize the silent, even-present dangers of life. 所有的人一出生,脖子上就是套着绳索的,只有突然接近死亡的时候,才会真正体会到它的存在,可是那时生命也很可能随之永远地安静了。
- All men are equal in the eyes of the law. 法律面前人人平等。
- All men are not equal in ability. 人的能力并非都是一样的。
- Advertising costs are born equally by both partners of this contract. 广告费用由本契约的双方当事人平均分担。