- She thinks all her geese are swans. 她自吹自擂。
- All her geese are swans. 自己的鹅都是天鹅.
- The coach is extremely proud of his team: all his geese are swans. 那个教练对他的球队极为得意,认为他们一个个都是非常地了不起。
- He always likes to say something as if all his geese are swans. 他谈论问题总喜欢言过其实。
- All his own geese are swans as the swans of others as geese. 自己一朵花,别人豆腐渣。
- All his own geese are swans as the swans of others are geese. 看自己一朵花,看别人豆腐渣。
- Oh, all his geese are swans. 喔,他总爱自夸。
- All one's geese are swans. 自吹自擂。
- All his geese are swans. 他喜欢夸大其词; 敝帚自珍。
- All one's geese are swan. 自己的鹅都是天鹅,自己的东西都是完美的
- The speeding ticket cooked his goose with his father. Her goose was cooked when she was caught cheating on the test. 超速驾驶罚款单使他在他父亲那儿倒了霉。当她考试作弊被抓住时,一下名声扫地
- All your geese are swans. 牛皮吹破,希望落空。
- All her people are in Australia. 她的家人都在澳大利亚。
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。
- All her clothes have been at pawn. 她所有的衣服都已典当了。
- She's got all her money in stocks and shares. 她所有的钱都投放到股票里去了。
- She had spent all her working life in the factory. 她一生的工作时间都是在这座工厂里度过的。
- The burglars cleaned her out of all her jewellery. 窃贼把她所有的首饰都偷走了。
- She has lived in luxury all her life. 她一生生活奢侈。
- The old woman is picking her geese. 下雪了。