- All Military Seal Command Far East 远东军事海运司令部所属
- All Military Seal Command 军事海运司令部所属
- Tactics is a required course at all military academies. 战术是所有的军事学院中的一门必修课
- Resolution 687 prohibited all military shipments into Iraq. 联合国687号决议禁止所有的军事物资运往伊拉克;
- In 2012 all militaries are private. 在2012年军队是私人所有。
- The principle of preserving one self and destroying the enemy is the basis of all military principles. 保存自己消灭敌人的原则,是一切军事原则的根据。
- Officers of all ranks and all military branches are provided with appropriate housing support. 不同职级、不同类别的军官,实行相应的住房保障。
- Be doomed to, be destined to, All military adventures by the two super powers are doomed to fail. 十二:表示命运,注定。
- RMA is very likely to develop into the most profound, unprecedented military revolution, involving the whole world and all military domains. 新军事变革很可能发展成一场波及全球、涉及全部军事领域、有史以来最深刻的军事变革。
- Before light failed he stripped the tent of all military objects, all bomb disposal equipment, stripped all insignia off his uniform. 但最终却发现,在战争中,授予军人的荣誉、勋章,没有任何价值,只是被愚弄、被欺骗、被利用的证明。
- Then with military LiYunLong director chu yunfei's Japanese 358 into the heavily fortified county, the garrison all military officers in the raid. 接着李云龙会同国军358团团长楚云飞闯进日军重兵防守的县城,守备部队的全体军官都在这次袭击中丧生。
- Roughly half of all military spending in the world is American.Even potential adversaries in a conventional war spend puny sums in comparison. 即使把传统战争中潜在敌人的微小开支也计算在内,美国的军费开支大约是全球军费支出的一半。
- President Bush is demanding that Russia honor a ceasefire and end all military action in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. 布什总统要求俄罗斯依约停战,并终止在前苏维埃联邦国家格鲁吉亚的所有军事行动。
- The rubber seal is designed to keep out all the moisture. 橡胶的密封垫是用以隔绝湿气的。
- Chinese commander on Thursday called on all military officers and soldiers to strengthen their sense of mission and get further combat-ready. 星期四一位中国司令员号召全体军官和士兵加强使命感;更进一步地做好战斗准备工作.
- Every weapon also comes equipped with razor-sharp blades for hand-to-hand combat and a spiked, riveted, fanged metal esthetic is used on all military equipment. 短兵相接的武器都应该是锋利的刀,所有的军队武器都应该有尖锐、卯固、满布尖刺的金属的感觉。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。