- All I hear is advertising for the moment. Oh, here the weather report comes. 现在我只能收到广告。哦,天气预报开始了。
- All I hear is advertising. 我所听到的都是广告。
- And all I wanna hear is the message beep. 我只想听到你的讯号。
- Roy:All I hear are hisses and clicks. 我只听到“嘶嘶”和“咔嗒咔嗒”的声音。
- But so far,all I have heard is dissenting voices on all sides. 但到今天为止,遇到的是一片反对声。
- But so far, all I have heard is dissenting voices on all sides. 但到今天为止,遇到的是一片反对声。
- At that time, all I could see are the fresh morning glories with the dew, and all I heared is the sweet croon of the breeze.The dreams would be filled with mysterious fairy tales. 那个时候,眼睛里看到的是滴着露水的牵牛花,耳朵里飘来的是清风的低吟,晚上的梦里也是被神秘的童话所充满。
- Really? Does that mean what I heard is only rumors? 真的?难道说我听到的全然是谣讠传闻罢了?
- "Mump umn Kmpfhm," was all I heard. “喔、呢”,我听到的就是这些。
- All I want is some peace and quiet. 我所需要的就是一点安宁和清静。
- I hear it not seldom said that time is money. 我经常听到人们说,时间就是金钱。
- For 4 months, all I heard was the condolence from relatives and friends. 4个月以来,我听到的只有亲友的吊唁。
- All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。
- I hear their marriage is on the skids. 我听说他俩的婚姻每况愈下。
- I hear Sound Street is going off air soon. 我听说SoundStreet即将停播。
- Still, all in all, I hear he is a kilo fatter today than he was yesterday. 但是最重要的是,我听说他今天比昨天肥了1公斤。
- But all I hear are low sounds, As pillow words are weaving, And willow waves are leaving. 只能聆听低声的呢喃,就象不清的枕边耳语,柳枝摇动。
- All I request of you is that you should be there early. 我对你的唯一请求就是你要早点到那里。
- Pam: What I heard is all about advertising. Oh, finally here it comes. 帕姆:我听的尽是些广告。哦,终于盼到天气预报了。
- I am in jail,so the words I heard is more precise than that spreading outside. 我人在监牢里面,听到的事实会比外面所说的更确实。