- Aleurites triloba [医] 石栗
- Effect of Fe Nutrient on Fruit Yield of Aleurites fordii. 铁营养元素对油桐产量的影响。
- Then peroxidase isoenzyme spectrum analysis of five strains of Aleurites fordii. 五个三年桐品种过氧化物酶同功酶的酶谱分析.
- Aleurites moluccana, known as the candlenut tree, is cultivated for the oil obtained from its seeds. 被称为石栗乔木,栽培为了从其种子中获得油。
- A deciduous tree(Asimina triloba) of the eastern and southeast United States, having flowers with three sepals, three petals, and numerous stamens and fleshy, edible fruit. 万寿果树产于美国东部和东南部的一种落叶树(泡泡属巴婆果),有三叶片、三花瓣和多雄蕊的花,果实多肉,可食
- This article was created to meet the increasing demand for information on cultivation of the native American pawpaw,Asimina triloba. 这篇文章是为了满足种植者对美国本土泡泡树种植技术日益增长的需要而撰写的。
- Definition: Three-lobed sage leaf consists of the whole or cut, dried leaves of Salvia fructicosa Mill. (S. triloba L. fil). 本品为唇形科植物三裂叶鼠尾草Salvia fructicosa Mill.;的完整或切碎的干燥叶。
- A tropical southeast Asian tree(Aleurites moluccana) bearing nutlike seeds that are used to make candles and yield a drying oil used in paints, varnishes, lacquer, and soft soap. 石栗树东南亚一种热带树木(石栗石栗属),其种子类似坚果,可用来制造蜡烛,并可产生一种用在颜料、清漆、硝基漆和软肥皂的干性油
- A deciduous tree(Asimina triloba) of the eastern and southeast United States,having flowers with three sepals,three petals,and numerous stamens and fleshy,edible fruit. 万寿果树产于美国东部和东南部的一种落叶树(泡泡属巴婆果),有三叶片、三花瓣和多雄蕊的花,果实多肉,可食。
- A tropical southeast Asian tree(Aleurites moluccana) bearing nutlike seeds that are used to make candles and yield a drying oil used in paints,varnishes,lacquer,and soft soap. 石栗树,东南亚一种热带树木(石栗石栗属),其种子类似坚果,可用来制造蜡烛,并可产生一种用在颜料、清漆、硝基漆和软肥皂的干性油。
- Pyramidalis,Prunus triloba and Prunus cerasifera cv.Ptropurpurea and so on as tested tree species,the control effects of various control technologies were studied. [方法]在陕州风景区内,以龙柏、蜀桧、榆叶梅、红叶李等作为供试树种,研究各种防治技术的防治效果。
- Study on local varieties of tung oil trees (Aleurites fordii Hemsl.) is necessary for the utilization of local variety resources and for their genetic improvement. 油桐地方品种资源的研究,是油桐品种资源利用和油桐品种改良的必要步骤。
- A tropical southeast Asian tree (Aleurites moluccana) bearing nutlike seeds that are used to make candles and yield a drying oil used in paints, varnishes, lacquer, and soft soap. 石栗树:东南亚一种热带树木(石栗石栗属),其种子类似坚果,可用来制造蜡烛,并可产生一种用在颜料、清漆、硝基漆和软肥皂的干性油
- Salvia triloba L. [医] 希腊苏草
- Prunus triloba Lindl. [医] 截形榆叶梅
- Aleurites Forst. [医] 油桐属
- Aleurites mollucana willd. [医] 石栗
- Results show that the leaves of Aleurites Montana reduce the oxyen consumption in mouse, prolong the disappearing time of electrocardiac activity in ligatured mouse and resist against the changes of electrocardiogram in rabbit induced by pituitrin. 实验结果表明,千年桐叶水提醇沉液能降低小鼠机体耗氧量,延长夹闭气管小鼠心电消失时间,对抗垂体后叶素致家兔心电图改变和结扎冠脉致大鼠心电图S-T段抬高。
- Observations on the sex of Aleurites montana, the flowering peroid, the period of pollen receptivity of the female flowers and the germination rate of the pollen grains were carried out. Results revealed 2 different types of A. 本文就浙南地区实生千年桐的性别、开花物候期、花粉发芽和雌花可授期及不同授粉方式座果率进行了初步观察研究,结果表明:实生千年桐有雌株和雌雄同株之分,两者比例相近。
- Techniques for Raising Seedlings of Prunus triloba 榆叶梅育苗技术