- Aleksel Nikolaevich Kosyginn. Aleksel Nikolaevich Kosygin 柯西金(1904-1980);前苏联部长会议主席(1964-1980)
- Wisdom of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy II. 托尔斯泰的智慧2。
- Kosygin gave the impression of doing so on the basis of skillful calculation. 柯西金这样做时给人的印象是经过巧妙算计的。
- In 1980, the resignation of Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin was announced. 1980年,苏联总理阿列克塞.;N
- Khrushchev is out from power. Brezhnev becomes the First Secretary of the Communist Party, with Kosygin as Premier. 1964年10月15日赫鲁晓夫下台,勃列日涅夫成为苏共第一书记,柯锡金任总理。
- Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. 是叶利钦。
- 15. Kosygin gave the impression of doing so on the basis of skillful calculation. 柯西金这样做时给人的印象是经过巧妙算计的。
- 87. Kosygin gave the impression of doing so on the basis of skillful calculation. 柯西金这样做时给人的印象是经过巧妙算计的。
- Nikolaevich 尼古拉耶维奇
- kosyginn. 苏联总理名