- Evaluation Staff Air War College 空军军事学院鉴定处
- Air War College 空军军事学院
- His heart was in the "absolute" air war. 他的心思全都用在“绝对的”空中战争。
- The air war over Europe was reaching its climax. 欧洲的空战已近白热化。
- U.S. Army War College is established. 1901年,美国陆军军事学院建立。
- It fought in Kosovo in 1999, but that campaign was an air war. 1999年,北约就在科索沃参战了,但其战役只是空战。
- I was all set to give a presentation at the Naval War College in Newport. 我被安排在位于纽波特的海军军事学院做报告。
- The building in the background is the Army War College at Fort McNair. 建设中的背景是美国陆军战争学院麦克奈尔堡。
- Sprague reacted like a War College student solving a battle problem. 斯普拉格应战的时候,好象一个军事学院的学生在解答一道作战的难题。
- China would squash Tiwan. The US and China would then likely thrash each other in a Navel/ Air war. 中国会打击台湾。然后美国和中国会或许彼此进行海空战。
- Fortunately, the Army War College had made plans for raising a large American army. 侥幸的是,陆军军事学院已为征募一支庞大的美军制订出计划。
- This week I traveled to the Naval War College in Rhode Island to give an update on the strategy we're pursuing in Iraq. 本周,我前往位于罗德岛的海军战争学院,向那里的学员们阐述了我们对伊的一些新的战略。
- Before the attack on its Belgrade embassy, China's reaction to the air war was more muted than Russia's-but equally negative. 在其驻贝尔格莱德使馆被炸之前,中国对北约实施的这场空中打击的反应没有俄罗斯那么激烈,但同样是持负面态度。
- In the merciless air war over Russia, sex was no barrier to death, suffering of heroism. One night the Germans shot down four PO-2s within 15 minutes, killing eight women. 面对俄罗斯上空的残酷空战,死亡已没有性别之分,一次夜晚,德国人15分钟内击落我们4架PO-2s飞机,八位女驾驶员阵亡。
- At least three members of the Pakistani Navy were killed when two suicide bombers attacked a naval war college in the eastern city of Lahore. 当二个自杀炸弹客攻击了在拉合尔市东部的一个海军的战争学院的时候,巴基斯坦海军的至少三个成员被杀。
- In 1999, ... Bennett was a retired Army lieutenant colonel working at the CIA on contract as a targeter during the 78-day NATO air war on Kosovo. 1999年,退休的陆军中校班尼特给CIA当合同工,在为期78天的北约科索沃空战中当目标设置员。......
- But U.S. Army War College National Security Studies Professor Larry Goodson disagrees that American pressure forced Pakistan's hand. 但是,美国陆军战争学院国家安全研究教授古德森不同意这种观点,他说,美国并没能迫使巴基斯坦采取行动。
- NATO's air war on Kosovo and Serbia in 1999 was, like the Iraq war in 2003, conducted without the legal approval of the United Nations. 北约1999年对科索沃和塞尔维亚的空袭,还有2003年的伊拉克战争,都是在没有联合国合法许可的情况下进行的。
- In the merciless air war over Russia,sex was no barrier to death,suffering of heroism. One night the Germans shot down four PO-2s within 15 minutes,killing eight women. 面对俄罗斯上空的残酷空战,死亡已没有性别之分,一次夜晚,德国人15分钟内击落我们4架PO-2s飞机,八位女驾驶员阵亡。
- Carnes Lord is Professor of Military and Naval Strategy in the Strategic Research Department of the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the U.S.Naval War College. 美国防部通常所理解的战略宣传,大多是围绕公共事务(用官僚主义的说法-“国防支持公共外交”)以及军队心理作战行动的。