- Based on aehievementof research on air pollution,Urhan air pollution degree and hazard ratings were discussed,and plants used for air pollution monitering were presented also. 根据近年来大气污染的研究成果,论述了城市大气污染的分类、危害以及近年广泛应用于大气污染监测的指示生物。
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities. 废气已过视为城市空气污染的原因。
- I anticipate success in controlling air pollution. 我预料控制空气污染会取得成功。
- They devised proposals to deal with air pollution. 他们构想出处理空气污染的方案。
- Air pollution degree 空气污染物浓度
- The concern of this book is with air pollution. 本书的重点是论述空气污染。
- Air pollution control will be expensive. 控制空气污染是要费钱的。
- Air pollution is a global problem. 空气污染是全球性的问题。
- It is urgent that the acute problem of air pollution in the city be solved. 该城市空气污染这一严重问题急须解决。
- Know anything about the air pollution? 知道空气污染吗?
- Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level. 空气污染已经超标。
- Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels. 空气污染会很快突破安全标准。
- The air pollution has become a big problem. 空气污染已成为大问题。
- Where does air pollution come from? 空气污染来自哪里?
- There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town. 阳光城空气污染较少。
- Eg: The air pollution survey revealed. 空气污染调查显示。
- To put it simply, that's because of air pollution. 简言之,那是因为空气污染的缘故。
- Waste gas Of cars breeds air pollution. 汽车的尾气造成空气污染。
- Introduction on the sources and pollution degree of wastewaterfrom china? s brewery was presented. 介绍了我国啤酒废水的来源和污染强度,从改革啤酒生产工艺、收利用废酵母、强管理、低酒损等方面论述了啤酒清洁生产的可行性。