- They distribute generally in the environment and the concentration of PASH in organisms are higher than that in air particulate matter and marine sediments.The main source of PASH is petroleum. 其在环境中的分布,一般是生物体中PASH的含量最高,其次是大气悬浮颗粒物与海洋沉积物。
- Air particulate matter 大气颗粒物
- Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption. 火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质
- The particulate matter so suspended. 处于这种悬浮状态的胶质
- Bioassays on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, cervix, and trachea of experimental animals have shown that particulate matter of urban air can be carcinogenic in the intact animal. 对实验动物的皮肤、皮下组织、颈和气管的生物鉴定表明,城市空气中的颗粒物质对健康动物可能是致癌的。
- The pollution sources of particulate matter in the urban ambient air of Yuxi city were analyzed by the chemical mass balance method (CMB) based on receptor model. 应用受体模式的化学质量平衡法对玉溪市中心城区大气颗粒物的来源进行解析。
- The pellet filter intercepts the particulate matter. 颗粒过滤器将颗粒物进行拦截。
- Despite these restrictions, the Beijing air continues to be a soupy mix of harmful chemicals, particulate matter and water vapor. 尽管采取了这些限制措施,北京市的空气里仍然充斥著有害的化学物质、污染颗粒和水汽。
- WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone, smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. 世界气象组织的科学家对地面臭氧、烟雾、空气悬浮微粒子、二氧化硫、一氧化碳之类的污染物质进行评估监测。
- Once the air humidity below 20%, indoor respirable particulate matter increased, people are likely to suffer from colds. 一旦空气湿度低于20%25,室内可吸入颗粒物增多,就容易使人患上感冒。
- Abstract: Nested source apportionment technique was a method to analyze the emission source of particulate matter in air environment. 摘要 化学质量平衡是被广泛用于空气质量管理的受体模型之一。
- Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations. 对肉眼可见的颗粒物质的污染通过适当管理即可加以控制。
- Particulate matter pollution is considered the biggest health risk. But the WHO Air Quality Guidelines also recommended lowering the daily allowed limits for ozone. 除了指出微粒物质的污染被视为最大的健康威胁外,WHO空气质量指南还推荐调低日均臭氧限值。
- A total of 217032 tests on air particulate,terrestrial waters,sediment,aquatic species,effluent and sewage were conducted in 1997 for pollution monitoring. 年内,化验所在环境监察方面对空气、海洋、河流、沉淀物、水生生物以至废料及污水等样本进行的化验共有217032次。
- C.Cowherd, P. Englehart, G.E. Muleski, J.S. Kensey ,”Harzardous waste TSDF fugitive particulate matter air emissions guidance document,” U.S. EPA, May 1989. 蓝文农、张章堂、章哲寰、吴友平、郑福田,水泥业裸露矿区逸散尘粒排放之研究,第十四届空气污染技术研讨会,1997。
- A total of 217032 tests on air particulate, terrestrial waters, sediment, aquatic species, effluent and sewage were conducted in 1997 for pollution monitoring. 年内,化验所在环境监察方面对空气、海洋、河流、沉淀物、水生生物以至废料及污水等样本进行的化验共有217032次。
- According to the report, the average level of particulate matter - tiny particles in the air - in Beijing greatly exceeds World Health Organization levels. 根据这份报告,北京空气中的微粒平均含量极大超过了世界卫生组织的标准。
- Methods: The samples of indor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, ammonia, particulate matter collected in market, hotel, bath center and resident's house were analyzed. 方法:对商场、宾馆、洗浴中心和居民住宅中甲醛、氨、颗粒物等室内空气污染物的采样、检测分析。
- Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling from above. 大多数深海动物以上方落下的颗粒物质为食,这些物质基本上都是通过光合作用形成的。
- Inhalable particulate matters(IP)bring adverse influence on ambient air and human health. 可吸入颗粒物严重影响空气质量和人体健康。