- Air Support Signal Unit 空中支援通信部队
- Air Support Inbound at your location. 空中支援进入了你的地区。
- Mayday!Mayday!require air support immediately! 呼叫空中支援,呼叫空中掩护。
- Osean G Company B Bunkers captured. Thanks for the air support! 碉堡已被占领.;感谢给予空中支援的伙伴们!
- Our land troops will be vulnerable without air support. 我们的陆地部队没有空中支持则容易受到袭击。
- Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary flags?to delimit (separate) messages. 信令单元定界 -- 插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
- Air support now provides converage across the entire map during Wave 4. 空中部队现在将在第4波时向整张地图提供空中支援。
- Osean G We're requesting close air support against the remaining bunkers. 空中火力;请求支援对碉堡的攻击.
- GTT 死神 : Air support has neutralised pockets of incoming hostiles. 空中部队已经消灭了大部分敌人。
- Signal unit error detection and correction - discards detected erroneous message and requests a re-transmission. 信令单元错误检测和校正 -- 废弃检测到的出错消息并请求重新传输。
- Interception, Air Superiority, Escort, Strike and Close Air Support. 拦截,侦察,空域压制,护卫,强袭和支援。
- Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary 襢lags?to delimit (separate) messages. 信令单元定界--插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
- So air supports a balloon just as water does a ship. 正象水能够支承船那样,空气也能够支承气球。
- Trainees are drawn from infantry, engineers, and signal units. 士兵都是从步兵、工兵和通信兵里面选拔。
- Air Support role - The air support specialist has the ability to call for a variety of long-ranged aerial assault weaponry, allowing him to target a single unit or cover a large area. 空中支援系统-空中支援可以呼叫长距离的空中打击武器,可以针对单一目标或是广泛的区域攻击。
- Signal unit initial alignment - invokes initial alignment prior to activating or restoring a signaling link. 信令单元初始定位 -- 在激活或恢复信令链路之前调用初始定位。
- The Germans intercepted and solved British calls for air support for ground forced. 德国人截收并破译了英国要求空军支援地面部队的电报。
- At last,an example of IF unit of radar echo generator system based on DDS is presented.This signal unit can generate radar IF echoes including general pulse,LFM,NLFM,PSK. 最后给出了一个基于DDS的雷达多目标模拟系统中频单元的设计实例,该单元可以灵活生成包括常规脉冲、线性调频、非线性调频、相位编码在内的雷达中频回波信号,为被试雷达提供较为全面的测试环境。
- AWACS Thunderhead The four companies will now land at their designated beach heads. Commence close air support. 4支登陆队伍应该已经到达到指定海滩抢滩登陆了.;开始进行支援
- After analyzing the support signal, authors found its regularity, and introduced the new method of removing the support disturbance using wavelet multi\|scale edge detecting technology. 作者通过对不同支撑板干扰信号的分析,找出了它的规律,提出了用小波多尺度边缘检测方法去除支撑板信号的新方法。