- Air Refueling Check Point 空中加油检查点
- Space Center Staff SSTO passing Check Point 1! SSTO通过第1个检查站!
- The courier assist the tourist at the custom check point. 导游员帮助游客通过海关检查通道。
- Sherer was coincidentally in Europe on an air refueling mission when Desert Shield began. 沙漠盾牌行动开始时希尔正巧在欧洲执行空中加油任务。
- The courier assisted the tourists at the custom check point . 导游员帮助游客通过海关检查通道。
- Vibration of fixed air refueling receptacles that can occur in flight causes serious hazards to the safety of flight. 飞机采用固定式空中受油装置后,可能引起飞机飞行过程中的振动,严重时危及飞机的飞行安全。
- CCSE NG: Check Point Certified Security Expert Study Guide II. 认证安全专家全息教程2
- The two-day air refueling market will provide a relatively good buying opportunity. 空中加油的两天市场会提供相对好的买入机会。
- For example, finger-on-glass controls replace cockpit switches for selecting such functions as air refueling mode and flight control system tests. 举个例子,指触屏幕控制技术取代了选择诸如空中加油模式和飞行控制系统检测等相应功能的座舱开关。
- Every team is free to choose its own route from control point to check point. 每个参赛队可以自主选择从一个裁判控制站到另一个裁判检查点的路线。
- The MH-47D and the MH-47E can be air refueled. MH-47D和E型具有空中加油能力。
- In addition to the bombers, the 36th Wing hosts a year-round expeditionary air refueling force provided by the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve Command. 除了轰炸机之外,第36飞行联队还包括一支由空中国民警卫队或者空军预备役司令部提供的全年驻守的远程空中加油机队。
- Number of work batches processed since the last population check point. 自从上一个填充检查点以来处理的工作批数。
- Your accompanying baby should be present at the security screening check point. 接受保安检查时,应与同行的婴儿一起。
- Participants completed tasks and then received hints of the next check point. 在工作人员指导下,同学于检查站完成指定工作,然后便获得下一个检查站的提示。
- Participants received hints of next check point upon completion of tasks. 完成指定工作后,同学便会获得下一个检查站的提示。
- A soldier guarded a check point on the outskirts of Tijuana, Mexico. 墨西哥;蒂华纳:一名士兵正在一处检查哨所警戒.
- Mould daily and weekly maintenance check points and review. 模具每天和每周的保养检查及再检查。
- Mission of Air Refueling Support Action 空中加油支援活动任务
- Air Refueling Coordination Position 空中加油协调阵位