- Air Corps Call Sign 航空队呼号
- What's the last letter in your call sign? 你呼号的最后一个字母是什么?
- Call sign, All are raise your right fists. 呼号,请大家举起右拳
- Station callings Tower say again your call sign. 呼叫塔台的电台,重复一下你的呼号。
- The German Air Corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle. 德国空军军团待命出击以一试其锋芒,已经有七个多月了。
- Ham radio call sign on-line, indexed by call, name; and address. 无线电爱好者的电台呼叫信号一般是以呼号、姓名和地址来索引的。
- The Tuskegee Airmen were the first black fighter pilots who fought during World War Two in the United States Army Air Corps. “黑色轰炸机”是第二次世界大战期间美国空军中第一支黑人战斗机飞行队。
- Army Air Corps trained Bomber pilot and AVG "Flying Tiger" Vice Squadron Leader and fighter ace. 陆军航空兵轰炸机飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)副中队长和王牌飞行员。
- The radio call sign for aircraft used to transport the president of the United States. Any aircraft used to carry the president is referred to as Air Force One. 无线电呼叫代码,专指美国总统专机。任何载有美国总统的飞机都叫空军一号。
- From Nebraska, Lindbergh moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he joined the United States Army Air Corps Reserve. 林德伯格从内布拉斯加搬到了得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥,在那里他参加了美国空军预备队。
- When he joined the Army Air Corps after World War II, the military was still segregated. 当他在第二次世界大战结束后参加空军时,军方仍是种族隔离的。
- Army Air Corps trained fighter pilot and AVG "Flying Tiger" Flight Leader: Mr.Shilling served as Chennault's aerial reconnaissance specialist. 陆军航空兵训练战斗飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)领航员:希林先生是陈纳德航空队的侦察专家。
- Pressure and legal action from civil rights groups forced the War Department to train blacks as officers and pilots in the Army Air Corps. 来自民权组织的压力和诉讼迫使当时的美国陆军部训练黑人来担任空军部队里的军官和飞行员。
- To insure integration and to build up mutual confidence, General Marshall felt it essential that, at that time, his deputy should be from the Air Corps. 当时马歇尔将军觉得为保证团结及建立共同信心,他的副手,实应由空军中选拔。
- My call sign is not BG0 AAA, the last leter is I, like India. Bravo Golf Zero Alfa Alfa India, Do you roger? 对不起。因为其它电台干扰,没有抄上你的呼号,请慢慢地重复。
- The Tuskegee Airmen is the popular name of a group of African American pilots who flew with distinction during World War II as the 332nd Fighter Group of the US Army Air Corps. 二次大战时美方实验性的训练一批黑人战斗机飞行员,但国会中反对声浪这群黑人战斗机飞行员用行动证明自己在整个战争中,所护航的轰炸机没有一架在任务中遭敌机击落,本身亦赢得了殊荣。
- I'm sorry I didn't copy your call sign because of QR-Mike please give me another call slowly. 对不起。因为其它电台干扰,没有抄上你的呼号,请慢慢地重复。
- After the death of his third wife, Carole Lombard, he joined the Army Air Corps and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal for his wartime bombing missions. Lombard)过世后,加入美国空军,在战时因执行轰炸任务成功而荣获空军奖章。
- Every night at the same hour the boys sent out their call signs. 每晚在同一时刻,那些男孩子发出呼叫信号。
- Speak clearly and slowly, especially when giving your call sign to someone you have never worked before. 讲话清楚缓慢,特别在向陌生火腿报你的呼号的时候;