- Agriculture development space 农业发展空间
- This one mode has vaster development space. 这一模式拥有更广阔的发展空间。”
- Chongqing Guangda Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. 重庆光大生态农业开发有限公司。
- The excellent natural geographical environment and rich agriculture and local products give the investors the large development space on Yuhang typical tourist products. 优越的自然地理环境,丰富的农副土特产品,为投资开发余杭特色旅游产品提供了广阔的发展空间。
- Now the agriculture development is embarking on a new stage. 现在我国农业发展已进入新阶段。
- "No land, economic development space will be greatly devalued. “没有土地,发展经济的空间就会大打折扣。”
- Eco-environment of the agriculture development in western China is worsening. 摘要西部地区农业的发展面临着生态环境比较恶劣的现实。
- Presently, our country agriculture development entered the new stage. 当前,我国农业的发展已进入新阶段。
- Do Local Airlines Have Their Developing Space? 地方航空公司还有发展空间吗?
- The household and child care limit the time they have available for sustainable agriculture development. 家务劳动和照料孩子的工作使妇女没有更多的时间投入农业可持续发展。
- Effect of Gene Engineering on Chinese Agriculture Development and the Measures in the 21st Century. 基因工程对21世纪我国农业发展的影响及对策。
- With the development of computer technology, games have a more broad development space and the stage. 随着计算机技术的发展,游戏有了一个更加广阔的发展空间和舞台。
- Agricultural development simply must precede economic development. 农业的发展必须在整个经济发展中处于领先地位。
- Our company will provide broad development space and excellent salary and welfare. 公司将提供广阔的职业发展空间和优厚的薪金福利。
- Actualizing "great regulation" strategy by pushing industrialization, agriculture development and structure converting. 推进工业化和农业产业化与结构转换,实施“大调整”战略;
- Telecommunication recombines and the advent of 3G times gives SP start vaster development space. 电信重组和3G时代的来临给SP开辟了更广阔的发展空间。
- Summary:Agriculture development and ecosystem environment have very and close interaction to relate to. 贵州省地处祖国大西南岩溶石山区,经济基础薄弱,生态环境脆弱,土地资源贫瘠,矿产资源较为丰富。
- As the arrival of 3G, the A8 music that is core with musical content will have vaster development space. 随着3G的到来,以音乐内容为核心的A8音乐将拥有更广阔的发展空间。
- The sec ond was the redefinition of literature,which provided development space for lef t-wing literature. 二、对文学重新定义,为左翼文学开辟了发展空间;
- The China-Canada Agriculture Development Program has been piloted at two Sumus and four Gachas of Chenbarhu Banner, Hulunber City, for over a year. 中加农业合作项目在呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗的两个苏木四个嘎查搞试点一年多了。