- Agostino Straulino 斯特劳里诺
- The Lakers know better, bringing out the booming voice of Agostino Castagnola to get everyone revved up. 但是湖人知道的更多,他们说出来的声音让所有的人都开始努力。
- Italian reports claim Andrea Dossena, Gaetano D'Agostino and Goran Pandev are being targeted by the Old Lady. 报道称罗马队这位右边锋非常感兴趣,马尔基奥尼在上个赛季经历了他多的小伤病,因此他对尤文已经变得无足轻重了。
- After D'Agostino, De Rossi and Aquiliani, what could be the next emerging young Romanista out of their youth system? 在达戈斯蒂诺、德罗西和阿奎拉尼之后,谁将成为罗马青训体制下出现的又一位天才的年轻罗马球员?
- Juventus want to buy, Udinese want to sell and Gaetano D’Agostino wants to move. 尤文图斯想买,乌迪内斯想卖,而且达戈斯蒂诺也想转会到都灵城。
- Italy midfielder Gaetano D’Agostino will be joining Juventus from Udinese this summer, the player’s agent assures. 译文:加埃塔诺.;达戈斯蒂诺的经纪人确信,这名中场球员将会在夏天加盟尤文图斯。
- D'Agostino had a particularly good season, as he made 36 appearances and scored 11 goals in the process. 达戈斯蒂诺渡过了一个优秀的赛季,他在参加的36场比赛中打进11个进球。
- Udinese midfielder Gaetano D’Agostino has pleaded Juventus to sign him as he is desperate to prove his worth in Turin. 译文:乌迪内斯中场加埃塔诺.;达戈斯蒂诺敦促尤文图斯尽快签下他,因为他已经准备好在都灵城证明自己的价值了。
- The Maccari report, and the first investigation by Padre Agostino Gemelli, are denounced by Padre Pio devotees as persecutions. 马卡里的报告和帕特尔·亚戈斯提诺·杰默利所作的第一次调查,被帕特尔·皮奥的信徒们指责为“迫害事件”。
- A deal for D'Agostino broke down last week as Juventus and Udinese couldn't agree a fee for the 27-year-old holding midfielder. 达戈斯蒂诺的转会谈判在上周宣告破裂,因为尤文图斯同乌迪内斯无法在这名27岁的中场球员的身价上达成一致。
- There are reports that the Bianconeri will turn to Melo if their bid for Udinese midfielder Gaetano D’Agostino is rejected. 有消息说,如果收购乌迪内斯中场加埃塔诺.;达戈斯蒂诺的行动失败的话,斑马军团将会将目标锁定为梅洛。
- Udinese midfielder Gaetano D'Agostino has yet to join Juventus but admits when he does it will be 'the icing on the cake. 译文:尽管乌迪内斯中场加埃塔诺.;达戈斯蒂诺还没有加盟尤文图斯,但他承认如果实现这一目标,自己将会成为“蛋糕上的奶油”。
- In light of this, I would certainly define myself as calm,” D'Agostino added before allowing himself to dream of playing for Juve. 这样一来,我的心情当然会更加平静。”达戈斯蒂诺说到。随后这名中场球员又谈到了自己的尤文梦想。
- Juventus President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has rejected reports linking his club with Xabi Alonso and insists he still wants Gaetano D'Agostino. 译文:尤文图斯主席乔瓦尼.;科博利
- Cerezo was part of Roma's finest ever squad during the early 1980s, playing with greats such as Falcao, Bruno Conti, Agostino Di Bartolomei and Roberto Pruzzo. 塞雷佐是罗马史上最好的球员之一,80年代,和法尔考,孔蒂,阿格斯蒂诺,普鲁佐一起。
- The notes were made by a Florentine city official Agostino Vespucci, an acquaintance of the artist, in a collection of letters by the Roman orator Cicero. 留下这个记录的是佛罗伦萨市的一个高级官员Agostino Vespucci,罗马雄辩家Cicero在他收藏的信件中有证明,他和达芬奇是相识的故人。
- Udinese midfielder Gaetano D’Agostino has made it clear that he wants to leave his current club this summer, whether it's to Juventus or a team abroad. 达戈表示他将在夏天离开现在的俱乐部,无论是尤文还是海外。
- Juve boss Ciro Ferrara has already expressed himself in favour of D’Agostino’s arrival but now it is all up to both teams’ directors to find an agreement. 尤文图斯主教练西罗.;费拉拉希望俱乐部能引进达戈斯蒂诺,但这桩转会最终能否完成还要看两家俱乐部的经理能否达成一致。
- Station boss Stefano De Agostino said:“Usually radio stations give away theatre or concert tickets and flashy T-shirts but nothing that people really want. 电台台长阿戈斯蒂卢说,一般电台都把电影票、演唱会门票、T恤衫等作为奖品送给听众,但人们并不想要这些东西。
- “The deal [for D'Agostino] has gone cold. “达戈斯蒂诺的转会谈判已经冷却了。