- Agathinus of Sparta 公元一世纪的希腊医师, 为Athenaeuss的学生, 与其师皆为精气论者
- The force was led by Leonidas, king of Sparta. 这支部队是由斯巴达国王列奥尼达带领。
- Prometheus: Please, Ghost of Sparta! Release me from my torment! 普罗米修斯:求你了,斯巴达之魂。把我从这个折磨中解救出来。
- Ship Man: You! The Ghost of Sparta! Stay away! Stay away from me! 船员:“你!你这个斯巴达幽灵,离开我,离开我!”
- Barbarian King : This time, Ghost of Sparta, I will have your head! 蛮族首领:这一次,斯巴达之魂,我将取下你的首级。
- Zeus begins his slaughter and destruction to The city of Sparta. 宙斯对斯巴达城的屠戮开始了。
- Even for the man who was known as the “Ghost of Sparta”? 哪怕是对于那个被称作“斯巴达鬼魂”的男人而言?
- A token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes. 作为斯巴达臣服雨薛西斯意志的象征。
- When the glory of Sparta is known throughout the world! 当斯巴达的荣光和声名响彻整个世界的时候!
- Kratos: When the glory of Sparta is known throughout the world! 克瑞托斯:“当斯巴达的荣光和声名响彻整个世界的时候!”
- Her stepfather married her to Menelaus,king of Sparta. 海伦的继父将她嫁给了斯巴达的国王墨涅劳斯。
- Eos (E): I am grateful you have come, Ghost of Sparta. 厄俄斯(下称E):我对你的到来表示万分感激,斯巴达鬼魂。
- Prometheus : Please, Ghost of Sparta! Release me from my torment! 普罗米修斯:求你了,斯巴达之魂。把我从这个折磨中解救出来。
- The Spartans do not ask how many but where they are -Agis II of Sparta. 斯巴达人不问他们有多少,只问他们在哪儿。
- You are a warrior of Sparta, not a coward, only a coward accepts death. 你是斯巴达的勇士,不是懦夫,只有懦夫才会接受死亡。
- Later, King of Sparta and Elis Wang signed a "sacred truce," the treaty. 后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了“神圣休战月”条约。
- The fe of Sparta ng Menelaus ho as abducted by Pars and provoed the Trojan ar. 海伦:斯巴达王墨涅拉俄斯的王后,因被帕里斯拐去而引发特洛伊战争。
- The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon. 梅内莱厄斯特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王;海伦之夫及阿加门农之弟
- Spartan Captain: My Lord Kratos! Another city is ready to fall; soon all shall know the glory of Sparta! 斯巴达统帅:奎托斯殿下!另一个城池即将沦陷;假以时日所有人都会感知斯巴达人的荣耀!
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?