- Agarics bisporus 双孢蘑菇
- The test materials was Agaricus bisporus. 试验材料为双孢蘑菇。
- This may be true for many agarics. 对许多伞菌来说情况可能就是这样。
- MICs were determined by an agar dilution method. MIC测定采用琼脂稀释法。
- Aqua, Hashima, Sucrosum, Agar Agar. 水,冰糖,雪蛤,琼脂。
- Agar is very light and delicious for summer. 大菜丝清凉可口,是夏令佳品。
- Agaricus bisporus second levels plant the growthing condition. 双孢菇二级种生长状况。
- Agar is complex polysaccharide, extracted from red algae. 琼脂是一种从红藻中提取的复杂的多糖。
- An edible mushroom,especially the much cultivated species Agaricus bisporus. 洋蘑菇一种可食用的蘑菇,尤指大量培植的品种双孢子蘑菇
- Tryptone Soya Agar Supplemented with 1% (w/v) sodium chloride. 配方仅作参考,根据实际情况做相应调整。
- An edible mushroom, especially the much cultivated species Agaricus bisporus. 洋蘑菇一种可食用的蘑菇,尤指大量培植的品种双孢子蘑菇
- In essence it was a global agar plate waiting to be inoculated. 实际上,地球是一个等待接种的球形培养基。
- Results Rabbit hepatocytes grown well on agar scaffold. 结果兔肝细胞能够在琼脂支架上生长。
- Vinegar bad cultivation of agaricus bisporus will have very broad prospects. 结合山西省实际,醋糟栽培双孢菇推广前景十分广阔。
- Kirby Bauer agar diffusion method was used to judge drug sensitivity. 用 Kirby- Bauer琼脂扩散法作药敏试验。
- Ifusing broth contained 0.15% agar as a diluent,vir-ulence incrased 40 times. 琼脂肉水和粘液素均能提高毒力40倍以上,琼脂肉水更有利于菌株毒力的稳定;
- Agar gels are extensively used for growing microorganisms and tissue cultures. 现在广泛应用于组织培养和微生物培养。
- The colony forming efficincy in soft agar increased with the passaging. 软琼脂克隆形成率随着照后传代次数的增加而明显增高;
- The evaluation index of effect were permeability of cell-membrane, browning, and sensory quality of Agaricus bisporus. 试验效应以双孢蘑菇的组织细胞膜渗透率、褐变度、感官品质进行评定。
- The colony was pinpoint-shaped and greyish white after 24h on sheepblood agar. 氧化酶、触酶、尿素酶均阳性,不分解糖类。