- African children lymphoma 非洲儿童淋巴瘤(伯基特淋巴瘤)
- The African children in refuge camps shown on TV news miserable. 从电视新闻中看到,非洲难民营里的孩子真可怜。
- One African child dies every 30 seconds from malaria. 每30秒就有一名非洲儿童死于疟疾。
- Those pictures of starving African children brought a lump to my throat. 我对那些照片上挨饿的非洲孩子深表同情。
- Due to wars and backward economy, many African children suffer from malnutrition. 由于战乱和经济落后,许多非洲儿童都营养不良。
- The campaign is also involved in efforts to vaccinate African children against measles and polio. 这项运动还包括努力为非洲儿童提供麻疹及脑灰质炎疫苗.
- N. goodwill ambassador and she is now the adoptive mother of two African children and a Cambodian child. 此外,她还领养了两名非洲儿童和一名柬埔寨儿童。
- Speaking of health, that reminds me of the poor thin African children who are raped with disease and hunger. 谈到健康,我想起了正遭受疾病和饥饿蹂躏又可怜又瘦弱的非洲孩子。
- Xinhua Lusaka June 16 (Xinhua MU Dong Hemingway) June 16 is the "International Day of the African Child. 新华网卢萨卡6月16日电(记者海明威 穆东)6月16日是“国际非洲儿童日”。
- "If it was a white child, she would be sitting somewhere with a psychologist, but this is an African child. “如果这是一个白人孩子,她将会和与心理学家坐在一起,但是她是一个非洲孩子。”
- Yet the malaria drugs needed for what is known as artemisinin-based combination therapy reached only 3% of African children in need. 然而,需要使用知名的基于青蒿素混合疗法的疟疾药物送达有需要非洲儿童的比率仅仅是3%25。
- However, the representative of the Hope for African Children Initiative, Bill Philbrick of CARE-USA, says the root cause of the crisis is poverty and declining social services. 尽管如此,非洲儿童希望计划的代表,美国国际援外合作署的比尔·菲尔布里克认为产生危机的根本原因是贫困和不断减少的社会福利。
- It showed a fat man extracting a corncob from an African child's food bowl, with the speech bubble: “Excuse me, I'm going to need this to run my car. 在漫画里,一个胖子从一个非洲孩子的饭碗里捞走了一根玉米,说道:“不好意思。我得用这东西来开车。”
- A fat report by the African Child Policy Forum, a think-tank with a pan-African bent based in Ethiopia, has pepped up the debate. 埃塞阿比亚基地的非洲儿童政策论坛是一个有着泛非一体化倾向的智囊团,他们发表了一份报道激起辩论。
- At the current rate of progress, by 2015 the number of deaths of African children under five will have fallen only to 5m a year, rather than the 2m target set by the MDG. 按照现有的发展进度,至2015年五岁以下的非洲儿童的死亡数量将下降到每年的?
- In the UN project of saving African children, a noticeable quantity of roach products were used to cope with the problem of insufficient calcium ingestion for these children. 联合国拯救非洲儿童项目中,也大量采用了油虫产品,用以补充非洲儿童所缺乏的蛋白质。
- According to UNICEF, the UN's children's organization, more than 90 percent of all malaria cases are in sub-Saharan Africa. Two thousand African children die daily from the disease. 根据联合国儿童组织unicef的统计,90%25多的疟疾病例发生在撒哈拉非洲以南地区。每天有2000非洲儿童死于该疾病。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
- Yet the malaria drug drugs needed for a know what is known as artimision base complanation ferity with artemisinin-based combination therapy reached only 3% of African children indeedin need. 然而疟疾药品,象大家都知道的青蒿素组合治疗仅3%25的非洲儿童在使用。
- See the children ramping about in the playground. 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。