- Taoism reached its peak in Tang Dynasty, which was also an era of prosperous aesthetical culture. 唐代是道教发展的极盛时期,又是审美文化高度发达的辉煌时期。
- It contains the special ideality of aesthetical culture in Tang dynasty internally, and it is the artistic reflection of time fashion. 它内在地凝结着唐代特有的审美文化理想,是时代风尚的艺术反映。
- Esthetic culture: From traditional shape to modern shape production! 审美文化:从传统形态向现代形态的生成!
- Simmel's thought of aesthetic culture reflected the tendency of the socialization of aesthetics. 齐美尔的这种审美文化思想折射出“美学社会化”的趋向。
- Disintegrative factors of the Public Aesthetical Culture 论大众审美文化的拆解因素
- Aesthetic culture (asthetische Kultur) is the solid psychological foundation of the scientific culture, and a very importantstage of humanistic culture. 审美文化是科学文化滋长的坚实心理基础,同时又是人文文化陶冶过程中不可取代的重要阶段。
- The commercial advertizing esthetic culture cooperating study subsystem with sets at variance to esthetics constructing. 商业广告审美文化作为美学的子系统对美学的建构与解构。
- This dissertation is composed of four chapters: the preface is about connections between aesthetic culture and teleplay. 全文共分四章来展开叙述:引言简略分析了审美文化与电视剧之间的间性互动关系。
- As the spiritual gem of ori-ental civilization and the connection of linking up man's aesthetic culture, it has been the bridge for the exchange and fusi... 它将作为东方文明新的精神瑰宝,沟通人类审美文化的联系,成为东西方精神文明交流与融会的桥梁。
- "Secularization" and "Transcendence" constituted integrally is the cardinal spirit of Chinese aesthetic culture came down in a continuous line from ancient times to the present. “世俗性”和“超越性”的浑然不离,就是从古到今一脉相承的中国审美文化的根本精神。
- The aesthetic culture of Qin and Han dynasties is neither “realism” nor “romanticism”,but “classicalism” whose main features are ou tward harmonious splendor. 秦汉审美文化既不是“现实主义”,也不是“浪漫主义”,而是以外向和谐的壮丽为总体时代特色的古典主义。
- The search for higher life state is the internal force of self-subversion. Here is revealed the ontological significance of life state to aesthetic culture. 对生命形态的追诉,是审美文化自我颠覆的内在动力,由此可见生命形态对于审美文化的本体论意义。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- Now, the decorous and abstruse esthetics activity is becoming popularization, generalization and commercialization, and some frivolous, vulgar esthetics culture is coming forth which cause damage to the society moral and public greatly. 我们看到,高雅深邃的审美活动已经走向大众化,平民化,商品化,同时也带来一些媚众媚俗等对社会公众和社会道德起破坏作用的劣态审美文化。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- The physical culture teacher should display the physique language beauty and words language beauty in teaching process and combine the physical culture education with esthetics education increasing the students' esthetics culture. 运动中的美丰富而最具魅力,体育教师在教学过程中,应充分展示体态语言美和文字语言美,把体育教育和美育教育有机结合起来,培养他们欣赏美、赏美、造美的能力,提高学生的美学修养。
- This kernel, via a series of rules, taboo, ceremony, ways of explaining, imagining the diagrammatic arrangement, melts and breeds out the strong ethnicity’s cohesiveness and external aesthetic culture form of wound -restoring function. 这个内核经由一系列规则、禁忌、仪式、解释方式、想象图式的安排,化育出具有强大族群凝聚力和创伤修复功能的外在审美文化形态。
- The author tries to explore and take the trace of the inner meanings of the religious culture in the Taoism poems at that time from the infiltration of the prosperity background of Taoism aesthetic culture and Taoism ideology, etc. 本章作者用比较详尽的史料介绍了隋唐五代的崇道氛围和道教发展状况,并从这两个方面着手,分析了隋唐五代道教审美文化勃兴的历史和文化原因。 隋唐五代是道教发展的鼎盛时期,从隋代的开国之君至五代的亡国之君,统治者大多偏好道教法术并对道士一直恩宠有加。
- This article through analyzing the present contemporary female writer writing the moon image studies the feminine esthetic cultural psychology. 本论文通过分析现当代女作家笔下的月亮意象,来研究其中蕴含的女性审美文化心理。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。