- Aesthetic educational utopia 审美教育空想
- Roles of aesthetic education in P.E. 审美教育在体育教学中的地位不容忽视。
- Aesthetic education in college P.E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育。
- Study on the Aesthetic Education in Colleges P. E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育探析。
- Aesthetic Education can promote productivity. 摘要美育有助于提高生产力。
- The various aesthetic educational opportunities and potentialities lie in the presentations of class-teaching and extra-curricular activities. 物理教学过程及课外活动充满各种可以对学生进行审美教育的机遇和潜力。
- Strengthening Aesthetic Education in University P.E. 加强大学生体育美育教育的思考。
- As an educator, he put the aesthetic education theory into practice. 作为教育家,他身体力行,将审美教育思想融入到自己的教育实践中。
- The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times. 46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
- Reimer’s concept of art is the foundation of his idea of aesthetic education. 在这样的艺术观的支撑下,才有了雷默的审美教育思想。
- Wang Tongzhao investigated the education when traveling in Europe and aesthetic education was his most important educational view. 王统照在旅欧期间对教育进行了专门考察,美育是王统照最重要的教育主张。
- The blank in the text is the best materials for the literature aesthetic education . 文本的空白是文学审美教育的最佳材料。
- Currently, aesthetic education is not given sufficient emphasis in colleges and universities. 当前,美育教育在整个高校的教育工作中,仍处于相对薄弱的地位。
- It is practical to melt the aesthetic education into schools, families, and society. 将美育真正融入学校、家庭、社会,全面提升学生素质是切实可行的。
- The second part of this paper mainly discussed Lhe aesthetic education of watercolor. 文章的第二部分主要论述的是水彩艺术的审美与教学。
- Objective To study the essentiality of aesthetic education of stomatology for orthodontic postgraduates. 摘要目的探讨口腔正畸学研究生进行口腔医学美学教育的必要性。
- Aesthetic education can influence man because of its universality and unconventionality. 美育对人能发生作用在于关具有普遍性和超脱性。
- Schiller's conception of aesthetic education is complete and has great significance for present education. 他的美育思想体系是完备的,对当代教育有很好的借鉴意义。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 国会通过了新的教育预算。
- Defects in a system of evaluation make aesthetic education in mathematics unpractical. 评价体制的单一和狭隘,使数学中的美育成为一纸空谈。